Index – National – More than six thousand are already in the hospital, the number of new infections has increased by five thousand


The new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) was detected in 5,162 new Hungarian citizens, increasing the number of infected people in Hungary to 114,778. Most of the 55 deaths were chronic elderly patients, so the number of deaths rose to 2,493 and 26,161 had already recovered. The number of active infections is 86,134. 24% of the actively infected, 28% of the dead and 28% of those recovered are from Budapest. The hospital cares for 6,061 coronavirus patients, 415 of whom are on ventilators.

The number of infected people is growing exponentially across Europe, in neighboring countries and in Hungary, and more and more people are seeking hospital care. The epidemic cannot be stopped, the goal is to stop it, they write in

To further strengthen the fight against the epidemic, the government has restored the state of emergency, that is, it has declared a state of emergency. This is important because the state of emergency, as it did now in the first wave, allows the government to act quickly. The government asks Parliament to extend the extraordinary legal system by 90 days, the proposal of which will be debated on Tuesday.

The government seeks the cooperation of citizens to implement emergency measures related to the emergency. Everyone has to follow the rules, there is enormous individual responsibility. In Hungary, everyone has a hospital bed, healthcare, a ventilator, and with the protection measures just introduced, the goal is to keep it that way. The measures are intended to curb the epidemic and thus protect health care performance. To continue providing hospital care for coronavirus infections with the growing number of patients, new capacity-building measures have been ordered: deferred surgeries will be suspended, the number of hospitals involved in care will increase, and the number of hospital beds reserved. for coronavirus patients.

Due to the extraordinary epidemic situation, the government is operating according to a new order: operational staff meet with the Prime Minister at 6:00 am every other day, and the Extraordinary Law Working Group has resumed its work.

There is a night curfew restriction.

Between midnight and 5 am, everyone must be at their place of residence, stay or accommodation. Exceptions are when a person leaves his place of residence to work or to be transported to the place of work, to be transported from the place of work to his place of residence, place of residence or accommodation, or in a situation that threatens health, danger for life or serious harm and for the protection of life.

To reduce the spread of the epidemic, free parking was reintroduced and the local public transport company in Budapest and cities at the county level is obliged to prepare a traffic consolidation plan on weekdays at 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. and at 3 pm and 7 pm periods between.

Nightclubs must be closed and at events, sporting events, cinemas and theaters only one can sit in every third chair and it is mandatory to wear a mask. In addition, masks are still mandatory in shops, public transport, social and health facilities, restaurants, etc.

The police strictly monitor compliance with the rules, impose fines and close places where regulations are not followed.

To protect the Hungarian people, the government is negotiating the coronavirus vaccine on several fronts so that the Hungarian people can get vaccinated as soon as possible.

To stop the spread of the community continues

  • Avoid places where there are many people inside,
  • if possible, keep social distance,
  • wash your hands frequently and thoroughly,
  • whoever has been ordered to be officially quarantined for a stay abroad or for any other reason must strictly adhere to it,
  • Anyone with symptoms should not go to the community but stay home and notify their GP by phone.

Hospitals are prepared for the increased workload and all patients in need of treatment have access to beds and hospital care. At this stage of defense, it is particularly important to protect the performance of hospitals, so strict adherence to security measures is of utmost importance.

Free flu shots are already being given as part of health protection. The provision of influenza vaccine to GPs is ongoing

– read in the information. They added that the protection of the elderly and the chronically ill is of utmost importance. Older people are also asked to pay more attention to themselves and general precautions. Visiting hospitals and nursing homes is prohibited. And nursing home owners should do everything they can to avoid infection. If a focal point is developed in a social institution or another community, the epidemiological deployment unit will take the necessary actions.

The Operational Tribe currently ordered emergency breaks in 86 kindergartens (3%) and 11 schools (0.4%), and switched to digital education in 134 classes and 17 schools (0.6%).

In addition to maintaining health protection, the government is working on additional economic and family protection measures.

(Cover image: Health workers in protective gear overnight at the Covid Orthopedic Traumatology Department for coronavirus-infected patients at St. John’s Hospital in the capital on June 4, 2020. Photo: Zoltán Balogh / MTI)
