This all happened after Chancellor Gábor Szarka banned education at the university on Friday.

There is growing resistance from students and professors to the erosion of the autonomy of the University of Theater and Film Arts (SZFE) due to the government’s decision to continue the university as a foundation under Attila Vidnyánszky. More and more world-famous artists are joining the solidarity movement around SZFE, but the Vidnyánszky family is not expanding. You can follow the latest developments in the SZFE scandal in our article series.

Neptun has not been available to all professors at the University of Theater and Film Arts since Saturday afternoon, was reported.

Neptun is necessary for university, academic and financial administration, and education is organized here as well. The system is accessible to teachers, students, and the study department, and essentially all work is organized and certified by Neptun.

The news was also confirmed by Magdolna Jákfalvi, a professor at the university. On Saturday, even more people thought there was a flaw in their own system, but on Sunday it became clear that they could not continue to organize education on the surface. This is where they start teaching on Monday, but they are very hampered by the Neptune cut, as they write a circular to the students, they can organize the courses there, the schedule and the subject.

Jákfalvi is a professor at the doctoral school: they are particularly affected by the suspension, since their training time is not thirteen but ten weeks:

so there, the due diligence period is coming to an end, and teachers would be announcing exams. This became impossible the moment they broke away from the surface.

“We see that it makes it impossible not only to justify the semester that we do not have access to Neptune, but also to organize it. In doctoral training, this is surprising because we received no notification from either the Office of Education or the National Doctoral Council that there were objections to our training. The order would be that I would have to receive an order from the Office or the Council to suspend the training I was taking for some reason, in which case it would be understandable for them to disconnect from Neptune, but I did not receive any notification, the suspension was completely unexpected. my colleagues and I, “he told

According to Magdolna Jákfalvi, the suspension can be made by a colleague with the highest administrative authority, there is usually one of those people in a university, but now they don’t have just one. He added that instructors can be disqualified with one click. We contacted Chancellor Gábor Szarka on the case, as soon as he responds, the article will be updated.

The quality management council will meet on Monday at the university, which will legally and legally represent the educational affairs of the SZFE, and the teachers disconnected from Neptuno will present the situation to them.

György Karsai, director of the Doctoral School, wrote on Facebook

In light of the above events, it is obvious that it is of no news value to anyone that the above grave destruction was not carried out by name, or that no one was notified of the closing of Neptune by us instructors. To reassure everyone: teaching at SZFE will continue tomorrow, Monday, November 9, as announced in the curriculum, and each teacher will be in charge of documenting the lessons.

The news came after Chancellor Gábor Szarka wrote in a letter on Friday:

Education conditions cannot be provided, therefore educational activities at the university cannot be continued until February 1. According to the letter, the buildings will be closed “as of November 9” for educational activities and dormitories. “

The rector added that the academic year can be continued as of February 1, 2021, until then educational activities can not be carried out at the university in any way, and as the credits of the subjects taken in the first semester are not they can verify, they cannot be recognized.

The rector and Emil Novák, interim rector general, who also signed the letter, explained the decision of the maintainer of the SZFE, the Foundation for the Arts of Theater and Cinema, named in a way not recognized by university students, that they could not enter the university facilities due to protests and have only limited control over the educational process, so in the current circumstances the conditions of education, the validity and protection of the rights of students, the conditions of adequate and safe work, and the academic autonomy of the University.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Innovation and Technology, László Palkovics, refused to invite the students to participate in a meeting scheduled for next week, saying that he did not want to have a voice in the conflict situation in addition to providing the necessary resources for their functioning.

The students said they continue to exercise their constitutional right to protest, and

they maintain the blockade until their demands are met; they rely on the discretionary nature of Hungarian state officials.

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