Index – National – Congratulations to Orbán Biden at last


Prime Minister Viktor Orbán sent a congratulatory letter to Joe Biden, Bertalan Havasi, the prime minister’s press chief, told MTI on Sunday morning.

“Let me congratulate you on a successful presidential campaign. I wish you good health and continued success in the performance of your highly responsible duties,” wrote Viktor Orbán.

This is how the Hungarian parties reacted to Joe Biden's victory

By the way, among the V4s, the Hungarian prime minister congratulated the newly elected president of the United States for the last time. Andrzej Duda, President of Poland, and Andrej Babis, Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, and Igor Matovic, Prime Minister of Slovakia, welcomed the new President last night.

Joe Biden remained highly critical of Hungary in October when asked about Trump’s foreign policy in an interview.

He said the United States was in a worse position than ever, in addition to its isolation, he also mentioned the nuclear threat from Iran and North Korea, the strengthening of China and the lack of security. He also spoke about Hungary in a rather damning voice. We see what is happening from Belarus through Poland to Hungary, ”he said, adding that

this president is all the bandits in the world,

for example, he also supports North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.
