The children said that they had rightly cut off the head of the French teacher, that they would also have killed him


2020.11.07. 18:00

Samuel Paty, who was killed in October, was killed by a terrorist on the outskirts of Paris because he showed a photo of the Prophet Muhammad at an hour when he was speaking about freedom of expression. The 10-year-olds were also questioned by police in France because the little students approved of Paty’s beheading, the French government said on Saturday.

Camille Chaize, a spokesman for the Home Office reported that the four ten-year-old boys, along with their parents, were detained at Albertville in the French Alps.

The kids talked about it before Paty’s murder was justified because it is forbidden to mock the prophet, and it is also said that they too would kill any of their teachers if they joked with the prophet.

The police also searched the homes of the families. The children and their parents were released after a few hours of questioning, but had to attend an education on the subject.

Samuel Paty was assassinated in mid-October by a Chechen refugee after a video from radical Islamist circles that showed the teacher presenting cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad in a free speech class. And at the end of the month, a knife attacker killed three people in a Nice church.

A memorial service was held in his memory on Saturday. Jean castex The prime minister warned that extremists are trying to recruit French citizens.

“We know the enemy. Not only has it been identified, it has a name: radical Islamism, a political ideology that distorts Islam, twists the words of Muslim texts, the dogmas and commandments of Islam, to spread ignorance by spreading ignorance and hatred.

Castex said.

The 21-year-old Tunisian perpetrator of the Nice killings was injured and arrested by the police. He is currently in the hospital.
