On the fourth day of the presidential election, when can there finally be a result?


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How is the battle going now?

It’s Saturday morning, but the fight between Donald Trump and Joe Biden in key matches is still so fierce that no clear winner can be announced for Tuesday’s presidential election.

Currently led by Joe Biden, the Democratic politician has almost certainly 253 voters, while Donald Trump has won 213 voters so far. A minimum of 270 voters is required to win.

The position in the states that do not report a clear result is as follows:

  • Pennsylvaniaban (20 voters) leads Joe Biden with 28,883 votes, a 0.4 percentage point advantage over 99% processing. If the Democratic candidate won this state, his current electoral vote of 253 would increase to 273, which would win it.
  • In georgia (16 voters) the number of votes counted increased before, but there have been no changes in the last hours, that is, the new data arrives very slowly, we have been processing 99% for a long time. Joe Biden currently leads with 4,395 votes, an exact lead of 0.1%.
  • In arizona (11 voters), on the other hand, slowly but gradually catch up with Donald Trump. Biden’s 1.6-point lead seen at night is now down to 0.9 percentage points at 90% processing. This may be because in Arizona, Trump takes 60-70% of the newly counted and processed votes (as opposed to the other two states previously featured). Biden’s lead here is about 30,000 votes.
  • In nevada (6 voters) Joe Biden’s exact 1.6% lead has risen to 1.8% in recent hours, but here is the lowest level of processing, 87%. The difference is about 23 thousand votes.
  • In North Carolina (15 voters) Donald Trump leads with 99% processing, an advantage of 1.4 percentage points, or approx. 76 thousand votes.
  • Alaska (3 constituents) a stable Republican stronghold, it would be surprising if Trump didn’t take over the state. The winner cannot be announced here yet because only 50% of the processing is. Still, Trump leads with 62.1%.

When can you finally get results?

Voting processing has slowed down a lot, partly because the tellers have been working and tired for days and partly because several warring states are still waiting to receive mail-in ballots sent on November 3. As competition remains very, very intense in major conflict states, it is not yet possible to announce a winner.

  • From Pennsylvania at the earliest, Hungarian time may be a Saturday night or late night result. The counters also went to sleep in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia around 1 p.m. There will certainly be no results from this state until the aggregation of these two major cities arrives.
  • In georgia there are still a few thousand votes to come. It doesn’t matter what the situation is here anyway, after all count the votes, whose course may be a matter of another very long day.
  • In arizona the counting progresses very slowly and based on lessons learned from streaming cameras monitoring the counting rooms, everyone went to sleep here as well. It’s probably a matter of days before you get results of this state.
  • In nevada Another 124,000 votes are pending. Since the entire population received a voting envelope, and thus the number of distant voters was very high on both the Democratic and Republican sides, It will be a long time before there is a result from here, with a good chance only on Sunday or next week.
  • North Carolina likely to get results next weekAs votes received through November 12 are also counted, they are almost certainly expected.

So the most optimistic scenario in terms of the closing time is that in Pennsylvania, the events will appear tonight in Hungarian time and we will find out who brought together the 20 voters of the state.

If he becomes Joe Biden, which is the likely scenario based on current trends and results, a winner can be announced tonight, as in this case, there will be 273 voters for the Democratic politician.

The most pessimistic scenario and it’s that processing in Pennsylvania is slowing down so much that it’s still it will be a matter of days before the election has a result.

What scenarios do we have ahead?

  • A most likely, as we wrote earlier, is that Biden retires in Pennsylvania and the elections end tonight. We are waiting for results from two more big Democratic cities, it would be surprising if the Democrats, who elected a significant proportion of the votes by letter, would vote for Trump from two Democratic enclaves in such a proportion that the leadership of Biden would turn around. If Biden takes him to Pennsylvania, it doesn’t matter how long Nevada or Arizona or Georgia lasts.
  • If this doesn’t happen for some reason, the next possible scenario is that Biden pulls Georgia, but in this case he still has to get electricity from somewhere. This state (if Pennsylvania is prolonged for any reason) could be Nevada or Arizona from where the result can be a matter of days.
  • Biden is likely to win, but Trump still has a math chance. It’s not out of the question for the Republican president to hand over Arizona and Nevada, but in this case (if Alaska wins, which is almost certain), he still needs 36 electoral votes. Trump can attract North Carolina, which is 15 other voters, but he also has to win Georgia and Pennsylvania. Biden is likely to take Georgia in the first round, but if the dice roll due to some haze during the count, Pumpsylvania has yet to be won by Trump. Based on current figures, the latter has no chance, Trump can only win if he manages to somehow invalidate the votes of the Democrats, or if it turns out that Trump really is right and the Democrats have cheated. So Trump’s victory requires a lot of time, good lawyers, and a lot of luck.
  • It may be that Triumph someone in his inner circle persuades the president to acknowledge his defeat, perhaps there is the slightest chance of that happening.

If, by the way, Trump successfully challenges the results, it really could take months to figure out who the next president will be:

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