The Austrian Institute of Public Health warned of this. And according to the Austrian Health Minister, everyone should reduce the number of contacts.

Coronavirus – the second wave

Half a year after the spring outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the signs, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

It will take at least ten days to see how much the epidemic has been slowed by restrictive measures introduced in Austria on Tuesday. Austria’s Health Minister Rudolph Anschober spoke about this at a press conference on Friday.

According to the minister, at present all coronavirus patients can count on security and there is no need to transfer patients to other provinces with free capacities, but he warned that they could reach capacity limits in the second half of November. Thereafter, doctors may need to choose which patients can receive life-saving intensive care and which cannot. “We must prevent such a situation from developing in Austria,” said the According to the minister

We are running a race against time.

There are currently 421 coronavirus patients receiving intensive care in Austrian hospitals, down from 750 on November 18, according to Herwing Ostermann, director of Gesundheit Österreich, director of the Austrian Institute of Public Health, while Austria introduced a total of 800 beds. intensive. isolated for coronavirus patients.

Daniela Schmid, an epidemiology expert at the Food Safety and Health Agency, says it is becoming increasingly difficult to trace the source of infections, and in only 27 percent of cases, success is crowned with success. The average age of those infected is currently 43 years.

As of Tuesday, a nightly curfew went into effect in Austria and cafes, nightclubs and restaurants were closed. Factories, shops, kindergartens and primary schools are still open, but secondary schools and universities have already embraced distance learning. By dawn on Friday, 6,464 new infections had been recorded, while 41 people had died from the disease.

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The number of people infected by the coronavirus in Austria has increased dramatically in one day


7416 patients were identified in 24 hours, more than 132 thousand have already been infected with the virus in Austria.