He demanded full transparency and promised to continue the legal battles in a recent statement.

Trump vs. Biden – 2020 US Presidential Election

Presidential elections were held in the United States on November 3. The calculation of the majority of analysts entered, due to the large number of votes cast in the mail, the day of the elections did not yield results. However, Donald Trump declared victory and also mentioned electoral fraud. Follow the events of the lengthy presidential election on hvg.hu.

“We believe that the American people deserve full transparency in the vote counting and verification process, and this is no longer about a single election. It is about our entire electoral process.”

US President Donald Trump wrote in a statement released by the White House on Friday afternoon local time. Trump recalled that he and the Republican Party had previously held the view that all legally received votes should be counted and all illegal (invalid) votes should be excluded from the count. “However, I have met with opposition from Democrats to this fundamental principle throughout,” he said.

He promised to use every legal means possible to “give the American people confidence in our government … I will never give up the fight for you and the nation,” he concluded.

Shortly before the launch, Mitt Romney, the Republican senator from Utah, the Republican presidential nominee for the 2012 presidential election, also criticized Trump on Twitter. He wrote that the president has the right to request a vote recount and denounce alleged irregularities if he has proof of this, but “he is not right when he says the election was fraudulent and stolen.

In Georgia, even before the White House statement was issued, authorities announced that they would recount votes due to intense competition. At a news conference Friday afternoon, Georgian Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said the difference between the votes cast by Democratic presidential candidate Donald Trump and Joe Biden was too small to be counted. In southeastern Georgia, which traditionally voted Republican, the situation changed when the vote was counted and Biden gained a 1,500-vote lead.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden’s spokesman, Andrew Bates, threatened Donald Trump saying that if he did not admit defeat, he would be expelled from the White House. “The American authorities are fully capable of deporting the invaders from the White House,” he said.

Biden’s campaign court announced that Joe Biden and later vice-presidential candidate Kamala Harris will give a speech Friday night.

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Pelosi: We didn't win every battle in the House of Representatives, but we did win the war.

MTI / hvg.hu

The Democratic president said that Biden would win the presidential election on Tuesday.

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