Investors were also waiting for the outcome of the presidential elections, the indices were barely moving


US equities markets opened strongly today, with the S&P, 500 and Dow also falling 0.3% and the Nasdaq 0.2%. In addition to the presidential election, investors are also paying attention to today’s economic data, as October employment data has reached the United States, the development of the workforce It was better than expected in October the unemployment rate has dropped significantly, to 6.9 percent. However, investors may be concerned about the development of coronavirus cases, as the number of daily infections surpassed 100,000 on the second day in a row on Thursday, a new record of more than 120,000 in the United States yesterday. Tightening and European closures could also negatively affect investor sentiment.

At this point, Donald Trump had only one mathematical shot at the presidency; most likely Joe Biden, a Democratic candidate, could lead the world’s greatest power in the next four years.
