Miklós Kásler announced: this is how Hungarian healthcare will be transformed


What awaits Hungarian private healthcare? Our online conference reveals:

Miklós Kásler spoke about the five-member committee, which will propose the high-level position of public hospitals. In relation to this, he said in the video that this is part of the complete transformation of Hungarian healthcare, but it is obviously also related to the epidemic, as the pandemic “pointed out the virtues and strengths of Hungarian healthcare, but also its shortcomings “.

Consequently, he emphasized, a multifaceted change has begun: the structure of healthcare in Hungary is also changing., and the county hospitals will be appreciated, they will run the city hospitals in the county. The latter bring together primary care family physicians, communities of practice, and outpatient clinics.

Therefore, county hospital directors need additional skills in order to meet the increased responsibilities.

That is why we asked experts who know the world of Hungarian hospitals.They know the leaders, because we are not preparing for individual decisions, but for consensus, “said the minister.

Asked whether all hospital directors will be replaced as a result, he explained: I do not think that the heads of county hospitals and national institutions, or the heads of county clinics, should be so underestimated, there is no question about that, but we are looking for the right people.

He suggested that the development of the National Institute of Cardiology György Gottsegen, in the second stage, worth 1.6 billion HUF under the Healthy Budapest Program, could be traced to the government’s view that continuous improvement of health care is extremely important.

“The Gottsegen Institute is the hub of the Hungarian cardiology network. Therefore, the state of Gottsegen determines the entire Hungarian cardiology care system. It is suitable for high-level management,” emphasized Miklós Kásler.


Our cover illustration. Source: Shutterstock
