Emergency in Hungary: a new government decision has been issued


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We know that, according to the government’s decision, a state of emergency was declared in Hungary as of Wednesday. Under the recently published regulation, the government has decided to introduce emergency measures in this situation. According to these

  • In the event of dissolution of the representative body of the local government or of the national self-government, this decision will come into force the day after the emergency has ended.
  • An interim election cannot be set until the day after the end of the emergency, elections already scheduled will be lost. The letters of recommendation issued will be delivered to the voting table within fifteen days after the entry into force of these Regulations, which will destroy them. An unscheduled and missed election must be scheduled within fifteen days of the end of the emergency.
  • No national or local referendum can be started until the day after the end of the emergency, the national and local referendums already scheduled will be lost. Law CCXXXVIII of 2013 on the start of the referendum, the European citizens’ initiative and the referendum procedure. Act II-III. All deadlines specified in this chapter are interrupted. The deadlines start again the day after the end of the emergency. An unscheduled and unscheduled national and local referendum must be scheduled within fifteen days after the end of the emergency.

That regulation will also go into effect on Friday. And if the law on the extraordinary legal system introduced on Thursday comes into force, this decree will be repealed, since the law also regulates the conduct of elections during that period.

Cover image source: Viktor Orbán Facebook page
