According to the President of Belarus, if professionals traveled, they should already stay there to “earn a lot of money.”

Coronavirus – the second wave

Half a year after the spring outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the posters, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has banned the readmission of Belarusian doctors who started working in Poland during the coronavirus epidemic, the BelTa news agency reported. The president spoke about this at a meeting in Minsk on Thursday on measures to combat the epidemic.

In particular, our doctors are asked to travel to Poland to help the people and the country fight Covid-19. I warn you that you do not have unnecessary doctors. We have to heal our people ourselves, but following our principles, we will not leave anyone here. At the same time, you have to see: if you left, you will not go home, you will work there and you will earn a lot of money traveling there. “

– said Lukashenko, who stressed that “this is not a threat, but an instruction to the government.”

The Russian news agency RIA Novostyi recalled that on October 29 Minsk restricted entry into the country at land border crossings. The measure applies to certain categories of Lithuanian, Latvian, Polish and Ukrainian people.

Unlike many other countries in the world, Belarus did not introduce a national quarantine at the time of the first wave of the epidemic, and Lukashenko has repeatedly said that it managed to slow the spread of the virus without collapsing the economy. According to the president, the health system has all the necessary tools – hospitals, health workers, drugs and protective equipment – to deal with the epidemic. Starting October 1, vaccination of volunteers with a vaccine developed in Russia as part of post-authorization studies was started in Belarus.

According to Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, 103,295 coronavirus infections have been recorded to date in 9.5 million countries, 998 have died from complications of virus-induced Covid-19 disease, and 89,131 have recovered.

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Lukashenko and his son are also being sanctioned by the EU


So far, the European Union has imposed restrictions on 40 Belarusian officials.

Lukashenko replaces interior minister who threatens protesters with sharp ammunition


A day earlier, Yuri Karayev had stated that the Belarusian police had been too tolerant up to now, but would not hesitate to use cutting ammunition in the future. He became a presidential aide on Thursday.