According to one of the country’s leading virologists, the coronavirus vaccine could soon arrive in Hungary, but it warns humanity to consider pandemics as a solved problem. Ferenc Jakab gave a lecture at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

Coronavirus – the second wave

Half a year after the spring outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the posters, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

There are 180 coronavirus vaccination development projects around the world, of which 6-8 are in their final phase of clinical testing. According to Ferenc Jakab, head of the virology research group at the University of Pécs, the vaccine could soon arrive in Hungary.

According to James, it is not true that researchers around the world have rushed to develop vaccines. In his lecture on the occasion of Hungary’s Science Day, the virologist said that the currently devastating coronavirus was by no means unknown to mankind, as the SARS and MERS viruses had mapped the virus strain enough to know where. go. According to him, the Sars-COV 2 virus that is causing the current pandemic is eighty percent the same as the SARS epidemic that started in China in 2003.

Jakab said the authorization process should be speeded up so that vaccination can start as soon as possible, adding that there is no need to fear for finished vaccines as

“These are the ones that will stop the pandemic, but at least they will drastically reduce the number of cases. We don’t have another chance.”

Doubts have been raised about the vaccine because, for example, the Russian and Chinese vaccines have been made available without a mass testing phase, so their side effects are still unknown. Responding to a question, James said that he thought “the Oxford vaccine would be runner-up,” but would be among the first to get a Chinese or Russian vaccine.

Regarding the rapid spread of the coronavirus, he said that the pathogen’s reproduction rate is currently around 2.2-2.5 worldwide, and it would be optimal if this could be reduced to one. (For infectious diseases, the reproduction rate is the data that shows how many people an infected person can transmit the disease to.)

According to the researcher, there are currently 150 drug protocols for the treatment of coronavirus, but the most important thing is that the doctor correctly recognizes the stage of the disease and uses the appropriate drug for treatment accordingly. According to James, there are antiviral drugs that prevent the virus from multiplying early in the infection, but as the disease progresses, there is also something to give to patients – this is where blood products and anti-inflammatory drugs come into play.

He mentioned as a Hungarian success that ELTE, the University of Pécs, Gedeon Richter Plc. And ImmunoGenes Kft. Are currently developing Hungarian medicine under the leadership of Imre Kacskovics, Dean of the ELTE Faculty of Sciences.

At the beginning of the epidemic, the country successfully moved, with 450 drugs from various sources to try to treat the virus; as his presentation showed, it was a success. In the example you presented, monkey kidney cells were tested for the ability of the agent they developed to inactivate the coronavirus without harming the original cell line. They also managed to perform the experiment on a cell line that can be combined with a piece of human nasal mucosa. According to James, the drug they successfully developed prevented the virus from spreading from this interface. As he said, they are working to move this drug into the clinical trial phase, where “it will be used as a very good therapeutic agent in the early stages of the disease.”

Ferenc Jakab said that the outbreak of the current coronavirus epidemic was only a matter of time. Zoonoses are infections that can be transmitted from vertebrates to humans, according to James, this is what happened to this virus. He added that the event in late 2019 was by no means the first time that the coronavirus infected a human. As he said, a 2018 study showed that bats had already spread, only then did the epidemic spread around the world. According to James, fifty percent of human infections are transmitted from vertebrates to humans and eighty percent are considered potential biological weapons. James said that the cause of the pandemic is travel, a global movement, as a result of which droplet-borne infections spread very easily around the world. From this, he concluded that the current coronavirus, contrary to optimistic estimates, is by no means the latest pandemic, but must be prepared for the “era of epidemics.”

According to Ferenc Jakab, the main lesson of the coronavirus epidemic in 2019-2020 is that although humanity must be careful, infections can be overcome together. According to him, this pandemic was an important test of the global cooperation and long-term joint work that research institutes around the world have successfully started and should continue in the future. “When we are already managing something, there are many problems there. Epidemics must be prevented under the umbrella of global cooperation, ”he added.

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Ferenc Jakab is now a doctor at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
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