Kujtim Fejzulai also received more than 900 euros a month in assistance from the Austrian state.

New information has been revealed about the author of the terrorist attack in Vienna, Kujtim Fejzuli. Austrian Kronen Zeitung writes that the 20-year-old Albanian-born killer has been registered as “Jungwiener” since February 2020, thanks to which he was able to get a discounted apartment rental in Vienna. This was for young people under 30 who did not yet have a home of their own.

Fejzulai also enlisted Vienna’s help and received and signed in early May for the rental of the 41.9 square meter apartment in Donaustadt. According to the portal, the attacker also received social assistance in the same month and subsequently received state aid of € 917.35 per month.

Austrian Interior Minister Karl Nehammer said on Thursday that eight of the 15 people previously detained by Austrian police after the terrorist attack in Vienna had criminal records. Four of the suspects were indicted for terrorist offenses, two for various violent crimes and an attempted “honor killing” in Linz.

On Monday, Kujtim Fejzulai killed four people and wounded 23 in the center of Vienna. We write in more detail about the terrorist attack in this article, and you can find our report on the site at the link below.

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