when Ferencváros beat Juven by two goals in the rematch


Ferencváros was eliminated from Juventus on Wednesday, but in the past we can find a handrail in the face of the rematch. Now after the famous VVK final, let us recall another clash between these two associations, one that not only green and white fans can be proud of today, but also Hungarian sports fans in general.

Some consolation: György Sárosi (right) and the FTC battle it out for the World Cup final

Ferencváros and Juventus not only met in the 1960s, but they met much earlier, in the 1930s; remember, these clashes were interesting not only for historical reasons, but also because after 1934, the Italians also won the World Championship, the latter unfortunately only in the final against ours (in the circumstances still contested).

In connection with Fradi’s legendary VVK success, Gábor Thury recalled the other day that in the 1932 Central European Cup (KK), Juventus eliminated the FTC with 4: 0 and 3: 3, and then the Greens-Whites in 1938. In the series semi-finals: After a 3: 2 loss, they went home to the final with a 2-0 loss in a game that was rare.

Alfredo Foni and Pietro Rava from Turin played in the final phase of the World Cup in France a few weeks before, while Gyula Polgár, Gyula Lázár and György Sárosi played against the Greens, but József Háda, Lajos Korányi, Mihály Bíró, Béla Sárag and Toldett voltio.

As of 1:45 a detail of the contemporary newscast with explanatory text
