Israel demolished a Palestinian village, leaving 41 children homeless


A UN statement said Israeli troops destroyed a Palestinian village in the West Bank on Tuesday, writes The Guardian. No one was injured during the operation, yet seventy-three people, including forty-one children, were left homeless. The raid is the biggest devastation in the neighborhood in the last decade. The affected village of Khirbet Humsa is largely home to native Bedouins.

Bulldozers and claws, accompanied by Israeli military vehicles, quickly destroyed the village, which was mainly made up of tents and huts. Approximately two-thirds of the community lost their safe residence, which equates to a total of seventy-six buildings on the site.

Although Khirbet Humsa is mainly based on Palestinian territory, the city is also an Israeli military training area, so the people who live here often face Israeli-initiated actions to demolish its buildings.

“This is one of the most vulnerable communities in the West Bank,” he said. Yvonne helle, the UN humanitarian coordinator for the area, said that aggressive demolitions led Israel to force Palestinians to flee their homes, in violation of international law.

Following the devastation on Tuesday, videos were also recorded of Bedouin gathering their belongings.

So far this year, nearly 700 buildings have been demolished in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, depriving 869 Palestinians of their homes.

The Israeli Civil Administration said that seven illegal tents and eight shelters that were used to store animals had been demolished at the Jordanian military training ground in the current operation. These figures, in turn, contradict estimates by the UN and the local Israeli human rights group, B’Tselem, that a total of seventy-six buildings, including eighteen tents, more than thirty grow rooms and livestock , ten bathrooms, twenty-three tanks and two solar panels ruined it.

“With the intention of occupying Palestine, Israel is routinely destroying the houses and properties of the local population. However, the abolition of an entire community is very rare. Israel seems to be drawing everyone’s attention right now, ”he said of the US presidential elections. Amit gilutz, the B’Tselem press.

The European Union Foreign Service (EEAS) called on Israel on Thursday to immediately halt the demolition of Palestinian buildings in the West Bank, which it said would hamper a peaceful solution to the conflict in the region based on two states (Israel in addition to the Palestinian state). . As they wrote in their communication, the demolition also threatens Palestinian schools in the region, 52 which have been co-financed by the European Union and several member states. They affirmed that learning is a fundamental human right by which a safe school environment must be protected and promoted. “Israel must stop the demolition of all residential and school buildings, including EU-funded facilities, in particular the humanitarian impact of the coronavirus epidemic,” the EU Foreign Service said in a statement.

The annexation of parts of the West Bank to Israel, or even all of Israel, has been debated since the 1967 Six Day War. Benjamin Netanyahu In the spring 2019 campaign, after many years, the affiliation of the area once again played a central role. The process reportedly started on July 1, 2020, during which time Israel could unleash 132 Jewish settlements, representing roughly 30 percent of the West Bank’s territory, along with the more than 600,000 people who live there and the road network that connects. The settlements. However, as a result of great international outrage and American mediation, it initially appeared that Netanyahu was abandoning his plan. In its US-supervised August deal with the United Arab Emirates, while Israel agreed to stop invading the Palestinian territories, Netanyahu said shortly after that there were no changes to its plans to secede from the territory.

Image: UN
