so they could have cheated in the US presidential election.


It remains to be seen whether Donald Trump or Joe Biden will be the next president of the United States. There are still five states that have not been decided, all open yet. After the election, Trump’s team also filed a complaint in four states for abuses in voting by letter. Nor can it be ruled out that legal disputes may start that last up to months. The main reason for the current problems is that Member States have regulated their voting systems completely differently, which has left considerable scope for fraud.

Lengthy legal disputes and repeated vote counts, as well as legal proceedings initiated by the two campaign teams – based on extremely close results, this appears to be the case in the United States for the next several weeks and months, respectively. Although the winner of the presidential election has yet to be officially announced, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has made a sudden turn in several key states, thanks to letter voting. There was also a state where suddenly more than 120,000 votes for Biden came in, while Trump was said to have none.

So far, the presidential election has not been decided, as five key states – Arizona, North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Georgia – do not have a result. Two of these states have Biden and three have Trump to win. If Biden retains his lead in two of the five states, he is the new president. If he can translate Trump in one go, he will remain the current White House president.

It remains to be seen whether Donald Trump will remain in office.Source: AFP / Saul Loeb

Opportunities for abuse

To provide an accurate understanding of the current situation, we will show you how to cheat in elections in the United States. One of the main areas is increasing voter rolls. Of the 3,243 US counties (and their corresponding administrative unit), 244 have more registered voters than can legally vote. (In the United States, early registration is required to vote.) In 29 of the fifty Member States, there are more registered voters than legal residents, and in eight states there are more registered voters than voters. 24 million voter records are invalid or insufficient in the United States. Additionally, 3 million people are believed to be registered in more than one state.

In New York City, the police investigated voter fraud 63 times and, in fact, discovered the fraud 61 times. In other cities and Member States, research has shown similar rates.

Trump’s crew made several complaints about the ballot letterSource: AFP / Jeff Kowalsky

The second method of fraud is “vote gathering.” In Florida, one of the states where there are more registered voters than legal residents, in 2016, the request for ballots was allowed, which means that a third party could collect the ballots. This works when an activist organization walks into an institution, such as a nursing home, collects the votes, says it sends them to the canvassing committee, and then throws them away or changes them.

There are many opportunities for abuse in voting by letter.Source: MTI / AP / Miami Herald / David Santiago

A third form of voter fraud is Let stateless persons vote. Although federal law prohibits anyone who is not a U.S. citizen from voting in a federal election (as happened Tuesday), 11 member states led by Democrats still allow it in some way. Cities of refuge (cities declared to protect illegal immigrants) like Chicago and San Francisco, for example, allow those without citizenship to vote in certain municipal elections. Democrats desperately need the votes of illegals who will surely vote for them – read on the Mandiner compilation.

He also received a ballot that he did not want and could not have received one.

Now however The three fraud methods have been summarized and it has been added that each Member State has regulated the voting system in completely different ways. What was being introduced now in some states was that all voters who were on the list were sent a ballot indiscriminately, and whoever wanted could vote by letter.

The ballot papers were sent to everyone on the pre-established contact list, including those who, for example, are no longer living or homeless and are no longer at the addresses provided. Anyone can take over the ballot. Republicans say disabled people should still have the option, but, for example, those who don’t apply should not have received a blank ballot in advance – Constitutional lawyer Péter Hack summarized the events on the Faith Radio program.

Electoral oddities could clearly have favored BidenSource: MTI / EPA / Jim Lo Scalzo

Also, the lawyer says it is problematic that there are states that only count the votes per letter that arrive on Election Day. However, in some states, and most importantly here in Pennsylvania, where there are 20 voters and waiting states, the votes subsequently received are also counted during the three days after the election.You still need to count a million votes per letter, and that could reverse the result. “After that, they can rightly claim that they won under suspicious circumstances,” said the law professor.

Trump spoke several times about the possibility of fraud

By the way, Donald Trump has repeatedly pointed out that that a vote by correspondence could lead to fraud. In the first presidential debate, for example, he stressed that voting by letter, he said, could be manipulated. He also mentioned the case that hundreds of thousands of ballots were incorrectly sent in New York and have now been replaced by new ones, but it is not known what will be the destination of the ballots already mailed.

Donald Trump went to court for the rather suspicious events he had experienced in various states: an unexpected translation by Biden, darkened windows in front of the counting room, and, of course, strange ballot cards.

In addition to Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, Republicans have also filed lawsuits in Georgia after believing that electoral abuses may have occurred. Like Michigan and Pennsylvania, the debate in Georgia revolves around voting by letter. The petition states, among other things, that, according to a Republican eyewitness, 53 emails received after the deadline were added to a package of emails received on time.

News broke Thursday that there were also very serious abuses in Detroit. According to Trump’s team, thousands registered twice and voted more than 2,500 dead.

Source: Origo

Trumpets can also initiate proceedings in Nevada

Ric Grenell, the former acting director of National Intelligence, is expected to speak in Las Vegas about the Republicans’ lawsuit because so many people cast illegal votes. Trump’s team says at least 10,000 people voted in the state even though they no longer live there.

What seems certain is that it will not be certain for long who will be the president of the United States, even if Joe Biden reaches 270 voters on Thursday. In the United States, each state must maintain a security period of five weeks. (“Safe Harbor Period”) due to potential disputes. The Electoral College will meet on December 14 to formally vote for the president of the United States, who will assume (or remain in office) next January.
