2020 US presidential election: Trump and Biden could hand over five more states, but the competition could be decided in a few hours


The country’s 46th president will be elected in the United States on Tuesday. In the presidential election, voters will decide between current Republican President Donald Trump, 74, and Democratic challenger, 77, Joe Biden, 77.

In addition to the presidential election, federal representatives, senators, members of the local legislature, and governors of various member states are also elected. Referendums are also taking place in several Member States. The federal legislature, the lower house of the Washington Congress, the 435-member House of Representatives and the upper house, one-third of the 100-member Senate, will be completely renovated. The next “owner” of 35 seats in the Senate will be decided. Governors are also elected in 11 Member States and two overseas territories, local legislative elections are held in several Member States, and referendums are held in 32 Member States on a total of 124 issues considered important in that Member State.

In the presidential election, voters will decide between current Republican President Donald Trump, 74, and Democratic challenger, 77, Joe Biden, 77. Both politicians campaigned primarily on proposals for the state of the economy, reform of medical care and addressing the epidemic of a new type of coronavirus. The epidemic fundamentally determines the sentiment of voters: More than 9 million Americans have been diagnosed with the infection so far and more than 230,000 people have died from the Covid-19 disease and its complications caused by the virus.

Donald Trump and Joe Biden campaigned until the last minute, including Monday night, and Barack Obama, the 44th president of the United States, who remains very popular, has entered the election campaign in support of Biden in recent days .

Trump held campaign events Monday in four states, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan, while Joe Biden encouraged his supporters to vote in Pennsylvania and Ohio.

Opinion polls on the popularity and support of the two politicians often contradict each other, but the vast majority of polls say that Biden has more confidence in him and enjoys more support in various member states, including so-called states. fluctuating or on the battlefield. The battlefield states are the member states where they traditionally do not vote Republican or Democratic, but the current political situation determines the will of the electorate.

Analysts have repeatedly drawn attention to the unpredictability of the polls, recalling the lessons learned from the 2016 election. Back then, nearly every poll pointed to former Secretary of State Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton as the winner. The election was ultimately won by billionaire businessman Donald Trump.

Due to the situation of the epidemic, the election in 2020 is special. A large number of people have chosen to send their voices by letter or take advantage of the opportunities offered by early voting. By Monday, more than 92 million Americans had voted. That’s 65 percent of the turnout in 2016.

Due to the high turnout, no election results are expected on Tuesday night. Several US newspapers have suggested that Donald Trump could declare himself the winner Tuesday night even though the ballots have yet to be counted. The president denied this information to journalists on Sunday. “False information,” he declared.

Both Trump and Biden, by the way, are preparing with a large team of lawyers to examine the election results.

