Squeeze: we show what will close and who, when, where can go


“You left as you lived, quietly and modestly. Rest in peace your dear soul? We reported with deep sorrow to all who knew and loved that JÓZSEF PATAKI Sr., a resident of Papkeszi Colorchemia, had rested peacefully at the age of 86. Your precious ashes will accompany you on your last trip to the Berhida Cemetery on November 7, 2020 at 11 a.m. Family in mourning

“Mothers do not die, only their tired hearts rest in space.” We informed everyone who knew and loved that Aunt Károly CSIPSZER had rested peacefully at the age of 91 in deep pain. His funeral will be held on Friday, November 6, 2020 at 2 pm in the old Tapolca cemetery. Mourning family

“In us lives a face and an infinite love, What can never, but never, take away from us.” We inform everyone who knew and loved that KÁROLY SZÖLLŐSI was resting peacefully at the age of 85 in deep pain. One last goodbye will be taken away from him on Thursday, November 5, 2020 at 4 pm, at the Öcsi Cemetery. Mourning family

“You were love and kindness, you lived and died for your family. Keep your eternal dream of silence and endless peace!” With heartache we informed everyone who knew and loved that JÓZSEF HILD, a former employee of the Bauxite Mine, had rested peacefully at age 85 in his disease of patience. His burial will be on Friday, November 6, 2020 at 10 am in the old Tapolca cemetery. Mourning family

We inform everyone who knew and loved that ISTVÁN HARDI passed away on October 30, 2020 at the age of 68. His post-cremation burial will take place on November 6, 2020 at 1 pm, in the Káptalanfa Cemetery. Mourning family

With sadness we inform all who knew and loved that MÁRIA HORTOVÁNYI Marcsi rested forever on October 28, 2020 in the 78th year of her life. His last farewell and burial will be at the Vámosi út cemetery on Monday, November 9, 2020 at 1 pm Please do not condemn. The grieving family

“I left them, I couldn’t say goodbye, I didn’t have time to leave. I will leave my memory in their hearts forever, if you want to see, look at the sky. We bring with deep sorrow all who knew and loved, hKÁROLY SZALKAI berhidai resident passed away at the age of 76. His burial will be on Friday, November 6, 2020, at 3 pm, at the Berhida Cemetery. Mourning mass at 2 pm Mourning family

We advise with deep pain all those who knew and loved that identification. GYULA HOCK rested forever at age 85. His burial will be on November 6, 2020 at 3:30 pm, at Wolf’s Lawn Cemetery. Mourning family

“I was just a tear falling to the dust, just a sigh coming from heaven.” We inform everyone who knew and loved that ZOLTÁNNÉ KOVÁCS was born with great pain: Anna Mária Csiszár passed away at the age of 64. His ashes will be interred on November 6, 2020 at 2 pm in the old Ajka cemetery. Please wear your grace with a string of flowers. Mourning family

“The child whose child is not covered by a pile of graves, does not know what pain is. In your heart you live with eternal love.” He remembers with endless painme Nemeth KRISZTOn the fifth anniversary of IAN’s death. Your loving mother

We inform you with deep sorrow that ISTVÁN HORVÁTH mg. engineer died at the age of 68. His funeral will take place on November 5, 2020 at 11 am at the Dabronyi Street Cemetery in Nemesszalók. At the same time, we thank everyone who will accompany you on your last trip. The grieving family

“The heart that beats for us is still, the hand that worked for us rests. For us you will never be dead. You will live forever like the stars.” We inform everyone who knew and loved that IGNÁC KUNGL passed away at the age of 77 after a long illness with deep pain. His burial will be on November 5, 2020, at 3 pm, after the mourning mass that begins at 2 pm Loving family

“Do not be angry, it will not hurt me anymore, when the night comes I will send you a message like a star. Look up to the sky, there I will shine, I am a piece of your heart that cannot be replaced. He remembers with endless painto CSIZMADIA SZABOLCS on the first anniversary of his death Dear Parents and Brother

“When I carried my ruined soul, God silently and unexpectedly embraced me.” We will accompany you to your final resting place on November 5, 2020 at 3 pm at the Vámosi út cemetery. Please, whoever loves you at the time of your funeral, say a prayer for him. The grieving family

“The heart that beats for us is still, the hand that worked for us is rested. You will live in our souls while our heart beats, but you will not be dead for us, you will live like the stars.” We inform everyone who knew and loved that JÓZSEFNÉ HORVÁTH was born with deep pain: Teréz Mészáros rested peacefully in the 86 years of BAMBY’s life. His final rest will be on November 5, 2020 at 11 a.m. at the Vámosi út de Veszprém cemetery. Please don’t condemn. Mourning family

“He left the way he lived, in silence and modesty. Rest in peace in his dear soul.” We informed with deep sorrow to all who knew and loved that our dear mother Irén Gőgös, born to OTTÓNÉ BABOS, had rested peacefully at 84 years old. His funeral will take place on Friday, November 6, 2020 at 1 p.m. in the Balatonfüred Public Cemetery. We appreciate those who attended his funeral and share our grief in any way. Mourning family

With aching hearts, we never remember DR. On the first anniversary of ISTVÁN RAFFAY’s death. Beloved

It is with deep pain that JÁNOS KISS rested forever in the 66th year of his life. His burial will be in the Kádárda cemetery at 1:00 p.m. on Friday, November 6, 2020, after his mourning mass that begins at 12 noon. The grieving family

We are deeply saddened to announce that IMRE SZEGEDI, electrical engineer and retired military colonel in Tapolca, has rested forever in his 70 years of life. We will say goodbye to our dear departed on November 6, 2020, at 11:30 am at the Saint Nicholas Cemetery in Keszthely with a small family circle. The Mass of Atonement will be presented at the Carmelite Basilica of Keszthely at 10:30. Please don’t condemn! The grieving family

We remember with love and heartache Our parents LAJOS PÁLFFY (1915-2005) 15. IRMA BOCSKAY (1924-2017) on the 3rd anniversary of her death Thank you to all who keep her memory. His loving family
