Another twist: the decision was issued, the government supports the purchase of vehicles in the capital


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Balázs Fürjes, secretary of state responsible for the development of Budapest and the metropolitan agglomeration, shared the government’s decision on Twitter, in response to statements by Gergely Karácsony.

The most important point of the government’s decision is that “in view of the priority aspects of the development of public transport and climate protection, it explicitly supports the free use of the

Acquire 51 environmentally friendly trolleybuses and 51 trams that can be purchased on the basis of a right of option immediately at the expense of a HUF 61 billion credit line.

The first two points of the decision are also a reminder of the extent to which the government supported transportation in the capital. The third point is a statement that according to the report of the Hungarian State Minister of Finance and Treasury, the free cash of the Budapest municipality as of September 30, 2020 is 224 billion HUF, of which 90.1 billion of HUF are cash and 133.9 billion HUF are recorded in securities.

The law also states that “on the basis of the report of the Minister of Finance, the government has established that the Metropolitan Municipality has 61 billion HUF at its disposal for the purchase of vehicles and other lines of credit freely available for development purposes” .

The document also states that the Minister in charge of the development of Budapest and the metropolitan agglomeration, and the Minister of Finance, should provide support to the Municipality of the Capital City as necessary for the success of negotiations with the EIB. The deadline is as follows: at the request of the Mayor of Budapest.

Cover image source: MTI / Zoltán Máthé
