Coronavirus: a record number of new patients in Hungary, 90 people lost their lives


The number of recently infected people has increased by more than 4,000 and the number of actively infected people is approaching 68,000.

The epidemic is spreading faster around the world, with the number of new infections rising by more than 533,000 by Wednesday, while the number of new infections in Hungary also increased significantly.

According to data from ​​4219 A new coronavirus infection was detected in another Hungarian citizen, which is a record number, so many have not become ill in a day since the outbreak in Hungary. So The number of infected people identified in Hungary increased to 90,988.

90 patients, mostly elderly and chronic, lost their lives, the number of deaths increased by 2063. And 20,856 people have already been healed. The number of active infections increased by 3,753 to 67,693 compared to Tuesday. There are 4,871 patients in need of hospital care and 355 people on respirators, an equally high number never seen before.

The positive test rate is still well above 20 percent, indicating a rapid spread of the epidemic. According to the World Health Organization, a country will keep the epidemic under control if the positive test rate remains below 5 percent.

Measures, restrictions, sanctions

The government portal reported that to curb the epidemic, the Hungarian government it also restored the state of emergency and additional protective measures to be applied in times of emergency.

  • The night curfew has been enforced. Between midnight and 5 am, everyone must remain at their place of residence, stay or accommodation. The exceptions to this are if someone leaves their place of residence for work, transportation to the workplace, transportation from the workplace to their place of residence, place of residence or accommodation, or in case of danger to health, danger to life or serious damage and protection of life.
  • In order to reduce the spread of the epidemic, free parking has been reintroduced and a company providing local public transport services in Budapest and the county towns is required to draw up a traffic consolidation plan on weekdays between 7 am and 9 am and between 3 pm and 7 pm periods.
  • The government has also decided to close nightclubs and from now on it will only be possible to sit in one in three chairs at events, sporting events, cinemas and theaters, and wearing a mask is mandatory.
  • Also, masks are still mandatory in shops, public transport, social and health facilities, restaurants, etc.
  • The police strictly monitor compliance with the rules, impose fines and close places where regulations are not followed. Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said: “He who does not follow the rules, does not wear the mask, does not keep the protective distance, can endanger not only his own life, but also the lives of others.”
