Index – National – TEK marched towards the Austrian border with great force


TEK is prepared to take all necessary measures without delay in case of controlled information on the safety of the population in order to protect the safety of the Hungarian people and the values ​​of the country.

The Counter-Terrorism Center said in the Index. Our newspaper contacted TEK to find out if there is a terrorist threat in Hungary and Budapest, and what is the preparation after the terrorist attacks in France and Vienna, and as we approach the holidays.

According to TEK, at present, mass migration and, in this context, terrorism are the main threat to the security of European states, as well as the greatest challenge for counter-terrorism organizations.

The Counter-Terrorism Center drew attention to the fact that the level of terrorist threat in Hungary is determined on a four-point scale by the relevant legislation (Government Resolution 1824/2015 (XI. 19.) on the uniform implementation of counter-terrorism tasks), where

  • 1 is the highest
  • while 4 is the lightest grade.

Grade 3 is currently in force

TEK said.

Grade 3 (medium) can be ordered if verified or partially verified information indicates an increase in threat level, or a terrorist act has been committed in a member state of the European Union or NATO, or in one of the states neighbors, as a result of which the threat from Hungary is likely to increase. but the introduction of a higher grade is not justified.

According to the Counter-Terrorism Center, the range should be maintained until Hungary’s vulnerability can in all probability be ruled out. They also added that

There is currently no data available that requires an adjustment in Hungary, but information requiring a higher rating may emerge at any time.

To ensure security, TEK cooperates with the services of Hungarian and foreign partners and continuously analyzes, evaluates and verifies all information that may endanger the constitutional order of Hungary and the security of the Hungarian people.

They are also ready to take all necessary measures without delay in case of controlled information on the safety of the population in order to protect the safety of the Hungarian people and the values ​​of the country.

TEK also informed the Index that following the terrorist attack in Vienna, TEK immediately contacted Austrian security authorities.

Given the nature of the crime, Police Major General János Hajdu, Director General of the Counter-Terrorism Center (TEK), assigned a large task force to the Austrian border section, which could be considered an escape route. Units, with adequate armored support, arrived at designated locations that night.

They said.

It has been written that TEK’s role in this case is twofold.

  1. The purpose of the reinforcement measures is to provide active assistance in preparing for the arrest of the perpetrator or perpetrators and to provide active assistance in case of cross-border persecution, as well as to provide international support upon request, as well as ongoing contacts with the service and authorities of the the Austrian partners.
  2. Contact with the Austrian security authorities, the EKO Cobra special unit, is ongoing.

A meeting of the National Security Committee was called

We wrote that János Stummer, the right-wing chairman of Parliament’s National Security Committee, had called an extraordinary meeting due to the terrorist attack in Vienna.

The Office of Constitutional Protection, the Information Office, the Counter-Terrorism Center, the Center for Crime Analysis and Information Against Terrorism, and the National Military Security Service were invited to the meeting.

We report minute by minute on the terrorist attack in Vienna and the events that followed.

Cover image: MTI Photographer: Lakatos Péter
