Slavic: it is legal for more and more people to die from coronavirus


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János Slavik said that it is not worth comparing the mortality data of different countries, because while in Hungary everyone who dies when infected is considered a victim of the coronavirus, it also happens abroad if someone does not die within a week after onset. of the illness. , you no longer register as a victim of the coronavirus.

He drew attention to the fact that, although the infection is mentioned as dangerous for the elderly, the young can die under the law in large numbers.

He added that typically, patients can become critical on the seventh or eighth day of illness, at which point a ventilator can be attached. In such cases, in more than half of the cases, the ventilator helps patients overcome the serious condition.

At the same time, it is not possible to maintain treatment for a long time in an elderly person with basic diseases, so it can be seen that the average age of the dead is 60-80 years, while the number of deaths in children is “extremely rare,” said János Slavik.

He also noted that in most cases, it is no longer possible to determine where and from whom the disease was contracted, indicating that the virus is in the community-spread stage.

Cover Image: Vladimir Gerdo TASS via Getty Images
