Katalin Novák on coronavirus: spring measures may return to Hungary


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Katalin Novák said that the situation has not been easier than a month ago and is expected to be even more difficult. On Tuesday and Wednesday the government makes decisions, so it wants to seek the opinion of the elderly to make a good decision, the minister stressed.

The goal is to make the defense more successful, more lives can be saved. The epidemic poses serious challenges to the health system, Katalin Novák noted, adding that the government has tightened regulations.

The first wave of defense was also successful in international comparison; they want the second to come out that way, ”he said. The minister said: as in the spring, Austria is still being monitored. Due to similar conditions, the epidemiological situation is expected to be similar in the two countries. In a few days, seven weeks, the situation in Hungary is expected to be “more dramatic,” he said.

Cecília Müller, national medical director, said they are developing the Hungarian vaccine with “steam energy” and are doing well. He highlighted that a fifth of the population is over 65 years old. They are working to make the society even more cooperative, he added.

Unfortunately, they find that at almost all measurement points, the amount of viral inheritance in wastewater increases, predicting that the epidemic has not yet reached its peak, Cecília Müller said. As encouragement, the national medical director spoke about the fact that since the spring, however, significant knowledge has accumulated about the coronavirus, the treatment of the infection.

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