Gergely Gulyás: The government will decide more tightening this week


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Gergely Gulyás, the prime minister, said on the radio show that the spread of the epidemic has accelerated tremendously in the last two months, and in response to a question, she said that there are red lines that should be narrowed if we cross. The minister also said that the priority in recent weeks has been not to overload the health system without closing the country’s operating knife. According to him, if security of supply is at stake, the government must act. According to him, the Hungarian mortality is better than the European average,

But it is deteriorating significantly, so the government will decide to make further adjustments at the two-day government meeting this week.

The minister did not respond to the restrictions to come, but said that the austerity will be significantly greater. According to him, it is an important measure to keep schools open, because it is important for the functioning of the country, but it is unacceptable if the rule of wearing a mask is not followed en masse – he referred to sporting events here. If this happens, they will even order closed-door goal games and other penalties for the club. The Minister also said that an important element of the measures being prepared will be to further strengthen the application of the use of masks. In addition, it revealed so much about the tightening that, although it has not yet been decided, it is almost certain that new measures are also expected for individuals and institutions.

The minister also said that the epidemic will last until the vaccine arrives and that it is up to the operating strain to develop a vaccination plan.

The vaccine will be free, but not mandatory.

said the Minister. According to Gulyás, the acquisition of vaccines will follow a mechanism similar to that of the acquisition of ventilators in the spring, and competition between countries can be expected.

In response to a question, he said that the government was monitoring the effects of international austerity and said that austerity measures in Spain did not seem to work at the moment, but that cases in Austria and Slovakia were declining, but Slovak national tests said the effects.

To mitigate the economic effects of the coronavirus, the minister says that the answer is that whoever wants to work must be able to work, the key is to keep it in the workplace, not to respond with aid. He said he would have to endure the crisis until the summer because after that the vaccine would eliminate the coronavirus. Flexibility for crisis management has been created in next year’s budget, but budgeting changes cannot be ruled out in advance.

There is speculation with the forint exchange rate if it does not move along with the regional currencies – Gulyás answered the question whether the government has anything to do with the forint exchange rate.

Gulyas was also asked about creating a new large bank, but could not say a specific date for the formation. According to him, an important point of the sovereignty of the country is to have a significant Hungarian-owned stake in the Hungarian banking system. The target adopted in 2010 is for Hungarian ownership to be 50% in the banking system. The state share in Budapest Bank will be sold, but the right time cannot be predicted. Nationally owned banks are also important because these banks do not leave the country even in a crisis situation.

Regarding the relationship between the capital and the government, he said that the current crisis situation is a situation in which its assets in government securities could be spent. According to Gulyás, the government adheres to the five-year health spending agreement and its use is constantly monitored.

Our article is constantly updated.

Cover image: MTI / Lajos Soós
