Index – Economy – The railway on the Budapest-Vienna line accelerates


The railway connection between Budapest and Vienna will be accelerated by the development of insurance equipment, central traffic management and other systems for a total value of HUF 25.6 billion. Ministry on Monday with the MTI.

The communication recalls that the representatives of the Member States decided in the summer the destination of the funds that had not been committed in previous CEF calls. From one of the last calls of the current EU budget period, five investments of Hungarian interest were supported, the most significant of which is the development of international rail interoperability on the Kelenföld – Hegyeshalom line.

To eliminate the bottleneck and improve the level of service, the interlocking equipment will be renewed at the Almásfüzitő upper, Hegyeshalom, Komárom and Tata stations, the central traffic control and train control systems will be further developed and improved throughout line.

László Mosóczi, Secretary of State for Transport Policy, said:

As a result of the interoperability interventions, travel times can be reduced by a quarter of an hour and the schedule will be extended to the Austrian capital and Western Europe. With the current decision, in addition to the almost 16 billion EU subsidies for costs, the national deductible of around 10 billion guilders is also available. Thus, all the conditions have been met for the implementation of the development that will contribute to the competitiveness of environmentally friendly rail transport and to the strengthening of the economy, whose construction may begin next spring.
