Pál Sztarenki to Zoltán Rátóti: “You have betrayed the Actors Jury, your Teachers, your classmates!”


Wrote in an open letter Pál Sztarenki director To Zoltán Rátóti, member of the Board of Trustees of the University of Theater and Film Arts, after the latter suspended teaching at SZFE on behalf of the Board. In a letter published on Színház.org, Sztarenki -who worked in the New Theater, the József Attila Theater, Kaposvár, Szeged and Zalaegerszeg, among others- asks Rátót, among others, to remove himself from the “Faculty of Arts students Scenic ”. of the circle, the common class photo ”and not destroy its true prestige with its current personality and its momentary function.

As is well known, Zoltán Rátóti a Attila Vidnyánszky As a member of the board chaired by SZFE, he made several statements criticizing SZFE’s previous management, and Róbert Alföldi had previously sent him an open letter.

The full letter from Paul Starenki read:

Hungarian actor Zoltán Rátóti ordered the suspension of education at SZFE! Have you ever believed this phrase, this news, were my classmates?

Surely, Zoli, the present

– as strategic director of the National Theater,

– as a member of the board of the Hungarian Academy of Arts,

– as an actor at the National Theater,

– as curator of the Theater and Cinematographic Arts Foundation,

It is a very pathetic second, lousy and unworthy, wherever you go, wherever you go.

For us former schoolmates, members of the common Alma Mater, you have now betrayed the Actors Jury, your Teachers, your classmates!

I’m not asking you to be ashamed because you would have to have a modicum of moral sense to do so.

‘We waited a long time for Godot. Godot has come. It should be noticed. Like it or not. Who means to whom is another matter. This is God, choose… ‘- I would quote one of your teachers, József Rust.

If he thought of you then, I do not know, and then the history of the theater will decide.

In the meantime, all I ask of you is that you erase yourself from the students of the Faculty of Performing Arts, the shared class photo, and do not ruin their royal prestige with your current personality and role.

Featured Image: At director Pál Sztarenki’s director’s rehearsal, Agatha Christie’s And No One Anymore, at the Katona József Theater in Kecskemét on April 2, 2019. Photo: MTI / Sándor Ujvári
