Index – National – Cecília Müller: now everyone can be considered contagious


We will adjust from Monday because it has to be toughened, ”said the national medical director, who told public service television in Nagyvenyim about measures to prevent the coronavirus epidemic.

Viktor Orbán: A new world will begin in Hungary from Monday

According to the Prime Minister, the time has come to enforce the rules by force.

Cecília Müller said:

the number of coronavirus infections is increasing day by day and, for the second day in a row, almost four thousand new cases have been confirmed by laboratory tests. This also increases in direct proportion the number of people requiring hospital treatment.

He drew attention to the fact that not only people with an underlying disease or the elderly become moderate to severe. There are also younger people whose immune system responds to infection in need of urgent care, hospitalization. The chief physician hstressed:

Hungary currently has the necessary forms of care and medicines. Since spring, there has been a great experience about the disease, which helps to heal.

Cecília Müller highlighted that

On the last day, 3,878 new infections were registered. So many positive cases have never been discovered during the epidemic.

He added that since the beginning of the epidemic, almost 80,000 people have been infected in Hungary and a significant part of them have already recovered. There are currently 4205 people being treated in the hospital, 306 with ventilators. The chief physician asked that

that you have been contracted with the disease and are at home, observe yourself and if your condition worsens, inform your GP or doctor in time.

If the health of ourselves, our loved ones, our community and the country is important, then the rules must now be taken seriously.

He said. He said it was inadmissible that many movements and virus deniers were trying to devalue the defense. According to him, the virus is now so widespread that

It is no longer known with certainty who is sick, many are asymptomatic. So now everyone is considered contagious,

therefore, the mandatory rules for wearing masks have been tightened.

Almost four thousand new infections, almost seventy died in one day from the coronavirus

More than 4,200 patients are treated in hospitals and more than three hundred are connected to ventilators.

The police can hold the rules to account much more strictly, and if they do not do so otherwise, they should be punished.

Cecília Müller said that she was constantly analyzing the epidemiological situation.

He sees that the population of Hungary is disciplined.

Operational tribe: so far the warning has been fulfilled, now comes the severe punishment

Fines can range from a warning to a million guilders and, in serious cases, can close the deal.

Trust that if everyone follows the rules, avoids the crowd, the massive events, no drastic changes will be needed. However, he noted that

The time may also come in Hungary when major changes are needed, but we want to avoid this.

Starting Monday, masks are also a must at restaurants and entertainment venues.

We can only get rid of the mask while consuming food or drink.
