The highest payment will appear in your account in December. The current increase of 20 percent is the third step in the nursing payroll program.

The third step was the multi-paced payroll analysis program for healthcare professionals. In this way, it was decided to liquidate the salaries of the nurses in 2018, within which their salaries increased by 14% in January of this year and by 20% on November 1.

As a result, all health professionals earn 42% more than two years ago, the Ministry of Human Resources wrote in a statement.

According to the ministry, the government will spend 82 billion HUF on wage increases this year, which will benefit 81,000 workers and 4,000 defenders.

“The Hungarian nurses are very good every day, on every shift, even in the current epidemic situation, so we are happy that this kind of appreciation and support can take place at this time,” the statement from the ministry.

The salary increase will first appear in your account in early December. Health professionals will receive a salary increase in January 2022, then 30 percent.

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Almost 50 doctors and nurses were transferred from Eger to Balassagyarmat overnight.
At home

Employees are assigned to 12-hour shifts if the situation requires it.

The government is increasing the salaries of nurses by twenty percent

At home

Health professionals will also receive a raise.