Index – National – Almost four thousand new infections, almost seventy died in one day from coronavirus


By Sunday, the new coronavirus infection (Covid-19) had been detected in 3,878 new Hungarian citizens, increasing the number of infected people in Hungary to 79,199. Most of the 69 deaths were elderly, chronically ill, so the number of deaths increased to 1,819 and 20,078 have already been recovered. The number of active infections is 57,302. 25 percent of the actively infected, 33 percent of the dead and 28 percent of those recovered are from Budapest. The hospital carries 4,205 coronavirus patients, 306 of whom are on ventilators.

Scary coronavirus facts: there have never been so many new infections

By Saturday, nearly 4,000 new infections had been detected, with 51 people dead.

The second wave of the epidemic is increasing dramatically across Europe and in Hungary, and the number of infected people is constantly increasing. The government’s goal remains to keep the country running while maintaining health protection and not allowing the virus to paralyze everyday life. However, this requires the observance of general precautionary measures, that is, the role of individual responsibility in defense remains important, especially in compliance with the regulations for the use of a mask, read on .


Operational tribe: so far the warning has been fulfilled, now comes the severe punishment

Fines can range from a warning to a million guilders and, in serious cases, can close the deal.

Starting Monday, the rules for wearing a mask will be further toughened. In addition to shops and public transport, the use of the mask is currently mandatory in cinemas, theaters, shopping centers, health and social care facilities, customer reception offices, outdoor events and sporting events. Also, after 11pm, restaurants and entertainment venues must be closed.

Starting Monday, masks are also a must at restaurants and entertainment venues.

We can only get rid of the mask while consuming food or drink.

To stop the spread of the community

  • We will continue to avoid places where there are many people inside,
  • if possible, keep social distance,
  • wash your hands frequently and thoroughly,
  • whoever has been ordered to be officially quarantined for a stay abroad or for any other reason, must strictly adhere to it,
  • Anyone with symptoms should not go into the community but stay home and notify their GP by phone.

The protection of elderly and chronic patients is of the utmost importance. Older people are also asked to pay more attention to themselves and the general precautions they take. Visiting hospitals and nursing homes is prohibited. And nursing home owners should do everything they can to prevent infection. If a focal point takes place in a social institution or in any other community, the epidemiological deployment unit will take the necessary actions.

Avoid touching and kissing

Today we have waited again in vain for Cecilia Müller.

According to the latest data, the operating court has ordered extraordinary recesses in 86 kindergartens and schools undergo cleaning and disinfection during the fall recess.

To date, Soldiers have cleaned and disinfected more than 35,000 square feet of space in 36 schools.

As the spread of the virus accelerates, ambulances will have to take more and more samples. The National Ambulance Service, with the assistance of the Interior Ministry, will establish another 200 sampling units throughout the country in a few days. The staff of the units is made up of graduate medical students, the vehicles are provided by the World Bank. The samplers are trained by the National Ambulance Service.

Illustration: Diagonal Crown Monitor

(Cover image: Zoltán Balogh / MTI)
