They have revealed where are the 100,000 doses of flu vaccines for children


According to EMMI, the kits were purchased for the health of the Hungarian population so that everyone had free access to the vaccine. The adult vaccine is consistently delivered to GPs, and the four-component vaccine for children has been delivered to government offices in the past two days, from where doctors administering the vaccine must request it, ATV News reported from the ministry.

ATV News has reached out to EMMI about the flu vaccine because, as we previously reported, GPs have been saying for days that there probably isn’t a flu shot for everyone right now. In contrast, at a press conference in the operative tribe, Cecília Müller said that stocks would be available later because the government had ordered more stocks.

As previously reported, the government, unlike past practice, has made the vaccine available to everyone for free, of which 1.4 million doses are available, just 100,000 more than last year, when there was no a rampant coronavirus pandemic. Pharmaceutical wholesalers are constantly trying to import, so far without success. We cover this in more detail in this article:

At the moment, there is no vaccination against influenza from Europe to Hungary

Due to the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic, the demand for influenza vaccination has increased not only in Hungary but also globally, with each country protecting its own stocks. By some opinions, 4 million vaccines may be needed here instead of 1.4 million this year, but neither import nor post-production appears to be an easy route.

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