Coronavirus in Hungary: a new registered infection, almost 4,000 infected were found


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3,908 new infections were found in Hungary, which is much higher than the previous record of 3,286 people yesterday. The death toll of 51 people is the third highest in history.

Unfortunately, the figure below clearly shows that the now identified figure of 3908 people is a different figure. The spread of the epidemic is accelerating significantly in Hungary.

Although the number of deaths has slightly decreased compared to yesterday, sadly the trend still seems to be clearly increasing. Our deceased compatriots were mostly elderly, but a 34-year-old man with epilepsy and asthma and a 34-year-old man with no data on their underlying diseases also died.

Unfortunately, the number of people needing hospital care and a ventilator is also clearly increasing.

The number of active infections is currently 54,539.

More details coming soon …

Cover image: Getty Images
