Index – Economy – Petőfi could not train around Lake Balaton either, we cannot count on him yet


It has been roasted for 100 years. The contemporary press reported several times about the plans and possible completion of the Balaton railway. The Zala Gazette also mentioned it in February and September 1926, and later wrote: also, by which the Lake Balaton railway would be completed. A county memorandum will also be prepared for the registration of the Balaton Association in the September general assembly of Zalavár county ”.

94 years have passed since then, and neither the news nor the ashes of the Lake Balaton Railroad.

More precisely, it has a reputation. The Balaton Development Council indicated that one of the main goals is to achieve rail accessibility of Lake Balaton. Secretary of State for Transportation Policy, László Mosóczi, also spoke to the Index about the plan.

In fact, there are initiatives for the tour, but the Lake Balaton railway schedule is not very assignable yet.

– said László Mosóczi, adding that they are waiting for the proposals, but so far there is nothing concrete. They know about the idea and the Hungarian government is also interested in the development of the Lake Balaton region and public transport.

“The modernization of the Lake Balaton bike path network also serves this purpose, with which we ensure access to Lake Balaton. We prefer a mode of transportation that is friendly to the environment and that also preserves people’s health, “said the Secretary of State.

A complete renovation has already been carried out on the south coast and is already underway on the east side of the north coast.

On the other hand, it remains questionable when the missing part, in the Csajág and Lepsény area, will have a connection so that we can go around the lake by train.

There is still no answer, that is, as Sándor Petőfi could not train Lake Balaton, we cannot wait for her yet.

(Cover image: MTI. Photo: Máthé Zoltán)
