Not only is it unworthy, but safe patient care is in jeopardy because of the government delay, the Hungarian Medical Chamber wrote to Sándor Pintér. An immediate consultation with the Minister of the Interior is requested.

Coronavirus – the second wave

Half a year after the spring outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the signs, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

According to most doctors, the idea and communication from the government on the transformation of the legal relationship between the health service were flawed, as the Hungarian Medical Chamber (MOK) wrote in a letter to Sándor Pintér. The MOK conducted a survey of doctors about the government’s plans, after which they approached the Minister of the Interior.

The government has reported that it has involved the chamber in the drafting of the law and implementing regulations. The MOK now wrote that they were not involved in drafting the law and that actual consultations are urgently needed to draft the implementing regulations. Therefore, they ask Pint to send them the exact course of the negotiations before the weekend.

Government action awaits. They put the medical community in a situation that is not only unworthy but also a threat to safe patient care.

– is on the camera chart. It has also been written that while the number of hospitalized patients and ventilators is increasing,

Critically ill patients in COVID wards are already cared for by ophthalmologists, psychiatrists, and dentists.

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Before coronavirus, Hungary did surprisingly well in hospital beds
At home

According to European statistics, in 2018 we belonged to the elite of the continent in this matter.

They observed what happens when a couple of coronaviruses are allowed to enter a stadium

Miklós Lengyel

All this, of course, only with computer technology.