Index – National – Photographed on the Lőrinc Mészáros farm, now Ákos Hadházy turned to the police


Magyar Hang recently released images showing various armored military vehicles on Lőrinc Mészáros’s property in Bicske. El Transparente also investigated the issue of tanks. The portal found that one of the vehicles on the site of Mészáros’s company, Búzakalász 66 Kft., Is a BRDM-2 amphibious troop transport, while the other vehicle, covered with a tarp, cannot be identified.

As it turned out, these are hobby supplies available for a few million florins, which are available to various collectors in the country. Among other things, it can be used for hunting, for example. Such vehicles were available to the Hungarian army until the late 1980s, and it is also worth knowing that cars previously used in tactics are thrown away before sale.

Transparent also recently wrote that its staff were questioned as witnesses by the Economic Protection Department of the Fejér County Police Headquarters. As it turned out, the police are prosecuting an unknown perpetrator for drone tank recordings for the crime of illegal data acquisition, which is punishable by up to three years in prison.

Ákos Hadházy announced today in a Facebook post that to aid the investigating authority’s work, he made an official report to the Fejér County Police Headquarters:

I informed them that I had taken the photos questioning the Magyar Hang journalist (this information was included in the article, but may have escaped the attention of investigators), so there is no need for them to harass the press.

Ákos Hadházy explained:

In the announcement, I explained to the police why it was important to inform the public: An unidentified tracked fighting vehicle (covered with a tarp) is in the immediate vicinity of the “majority” of the Prime Minister’s family, which It could pose a very serious threat to national security or misuse of military equipment. Because there may be someone in the Butcher family who likes to play a live online game called World of Tanks, but how could a common citizen know that it is not a dangerous military device lurking under the canvas?
