Opposition: Orbán himself is blocking the brake on the epidemic


According to them, the prime minister has not yet faced the real situation.

A spokesman for the Democratic Coalition indicated Viktor Orban marked a new peak in denial of reality on Friday morning when he said on state radio that “the situation is divine in us” but “a complete confusion reigns in Europe.”

The opposition party recalled that, according to recent data, a record number of new infections, hospital admissions and deaths was established in Hungary.

The fact that 65 other Hungarians died in a single day is anything but “divine.”

According to DK, Viktor Orbán owes his apologies to the country for acknowledging the failure to control the epidemic.

The costless lie and the total denial of reality do not help the fact that Hungary is today among the European countries most affected by the epidemic. This is exactly what led here, and even today it is the biggest obstacle to pulling Hungary out of the epidemic with skin intact.

The general belly came out of Orban

According to Jobbik, the prime minister sees Hungarians as kindergarten children whom he would corner to follow the rules. The opposition party also recalled in relation to the regrettable data on Friday that the prime minister had done so much, “the time has come to enforce the rules by force.”

The new vaccine factory is considered halanja, it is supposed to be at some point, Lőrinc Mészáros kapja.

The mismanagement of the Orbán crisis put the Hungarian people in the current situation.

According to Jobbik, Hungarians have so far only received orders from the state instead of help: “wear a mask or punish”, “mandatory, but we do not give”, “stay home with the child, find the applicant, but not even dream with a salary subsidy “,” not traveling to the Adriatic, but we also go on vacation for you “

Instead of a solidarity state, the Orbans just rule, they reach for the money set aside for the crisis.

While at the “nun level” they are constantly preaching nonsense. Did they also tell the virus that they had been given an April deadline?

Orbán is wrong in thinking that it can last so long. According to Jobbik, free masks, tests and salary replacement would be needed to help people who lose their jobs.

MSZP: Orbán has no math

This is the information responsible for Orbán: 1.3 million vaccines are twice the equivalent of 1.4 million vaccines.

For the Socialists, the usual Friday morning radio interview revealed that Orbán is not doing a lot of math or putting everyone down. In previous years, 1.3 million flu vaccines were ordered and 1.4 million are available this year, which the government was able to say has doubled stocks.

This is the responsible information of Orbán.

According to the MSZP, the question arises on the basis of these, from which the Prime Minister came to the conclusion that the 360 ​​thousand vaccines subsequently ordered will certainly be sufficient.

Did you calculate this in a similar way or did you just guess from a pat on the belly?

Socialists also believe that the government, by constantly lying and misinforming, makes it difficult to manage the crisis, slows the epidemic, undermines faith in defense, the validity of measures and creates a false sense of security.

The MSZP continues to demand continuous, fast, accurate and credible information, as has been written, this would be the least that would be expected from a government in the middle of a pandemic.

Highlight: Viktor Orbán will hold a video conference with partners from Visegrad and members of the European Council on the treatment of the coronavirus epidemic on October 29. MTI / Prime Minister’s Press Office / Benko Vivien Cher
