Teachers get a drop in Béres


Almost 82,000 bottles of Béres Cseppe were donated by Béres Gyógyszergyár Zrt. To teachers of primary and secondary schools belonging to the Klebelsberg Center. The contract for the offer was signed at the company’s factory in Szolnok on Thursday.

Zoltán Maruzsa, The Secretary of State for Public Education in the Ministry of Human Resources said that based on the past two months, it appears that coronavirus cases are occurring in some places as a result of the summer preparations.

So far, this has only affected 1 to 6 percent of the public education system of 3,000 kindergartens and a similar number of schools at any one time.

The Secretary of State said that during the fall break, every effort would be made to prepare for the further spread of the epidemic and curb the pandemic. He stressed that the company’s offer is of great help in this.

Zoltán Maruzsa put it like this: the coronavirus epidemic is an apocalypse that threatens many millions of people and has hit the world in unexpected ways. He added that all areas of life, including education, had to adapt to this. He recalled that in the spring the government introduced digital education following the principle of maximum precaution, and the Hungarian school system adapted to this extraordinary work schedule, which was previously unknown in this way around the world, incredibly fast. This gave them time to prepare for medical care and they gained experience organizing more protection, he said.

He stressed that the teachers were already very good during this period.

Society can be thankful that when almost the entire country came to a halt, education switched to a new platform and operating principles in a single weekend, and as a result, the school year was still successfully closed.

– He said.

József Béres, the president of Béres Gyógyszergyár Zrt. announced the offer: 81,720 bottles of Béres Cseppe will be donated to teachers of state public education institutions through the Klebelsberg Center. The donation, valued at about 138 million guilders, is also the recognition, appreciation and assistance of teachers, for being one of the most responsible professions, struggling day by day in this difficult situation.

The social role of teachers and educators around the world should be mentioned on an equal footing with families, he said. He also spoke about the fact that the Béres Group highly values ​​knowledge, which is essential for credibility and reliability.

Hajnal Gabriella, the president of the Klebelsberg Center thanked the donation and described the offering as exemplary. He emphasized that in this case, Béres Csepp is not only a valuable immune booster, but also a symbol of care and cooperation towards the pedagogical community, and this will play a key role not only in the current epidemic situation, but also in solving All the problems.

He noted that the spread of the coronavirus could only be stopped with responsible behavior, be it teachers, parents or even students. Significant progress has been made since September, he said, adding that stakeholders are paying more and more attention to each other and that this sense of responsibility must be developed in all.

Featured Image: MTI / János Mészáros
