Index – Culture – Stormy theater director elections in Eger: General Assembly decides against the government


Artur Szőcs was elected director of the Géza Gárdonyi Theater in Unity for the City, which has a majority in the General Assembly of Eger, contrary to the proposal of the professional committee dominated by Emmi, which would have considered the current director, Balázs Blaskó, more appropriate. The political battles surrounding the election of directors escalated when it became clear to Mayor Ádám Mirkóczki and the Unity for the City faction that the committee of professional judges supported the current director, while they believed that the director of the National Theater of Miskolc had presented better request.

Rehearsals have started, there will also be operetta, opera, drama and comedy.

The spiciness of the situation is that the theater in Eger is operated partly with the support of the city and the other half with the support of Emmi. Due to the support of Szőcs, many people fear that if some 300 million guilders of ministerial grants are lost, the theater will end.

In any case, the mayor must personally agree the person of the new director with Miklós Kásler, Minister of Human Resources, in accordance with the maintenance contract. According to Eger Affairs, Sándor Oroján, the leader of the local Fidesz faction, directly accused voters against Blaskó of breaching the contract. According to Ádám Mirkóczki, the decision does not automatically mean the loss of support, but the joint reserve must be renegotiated on the basis of the contract.

By the way, before the vote, the city representatives listened to Artur Szőcs, who said that he had agreed to make his request public, but it seems that the Eger newspaper, to which he handed it over for publication, did not publish it. As he said, he envisioned a diverse genre theater in Eger. In his speech, Balázs Blaskó stressed that in recent years he has achieved success in ticket sales close to the results of the Csokonai Theater in Debrecen. “35 years have passed since the theater was restored, of which I spent 34 years there. That speaks for itself, ”Blaskó said.

According to them, the transformation is well thought out and properly prepared.

Theater staff had previously indicated their support for Blaskó’s offer, but Mirkóczki said several people approached him to sign a petition in support of him for existential reasons due to pressure from around Blaskó.

Meanwhile, the Eger theater is also seriously affected by the epidemic situation, one of the members of the company, Csaba Kelemen, who also applied for the position of director, died of coronavirus on October 26.
