Index – National – According to Fekete-Győr, a regime change is expected, Orbán will travel east forever


András Fekete-Győr was invited to the Free Europe podcast, and once he attended, he blurted out some strong phrases. The president of the Momentum spoke, among other topics, of the opposition coalition, the room for maneuver after the elections and the municipal representatives of his party.

The president of the Momentum did not rule out the possibility that Fidesz would fall in the event of a large-scale electoral defeat.

Viktor Orbán travels east forever.

Of course, the opposition will not budge even if it wins a victory in 2022 with a simple majority. There will be the means by which they can “disinfect” the Hungarian economy and the Hungarian state, although it has only revealed details about this to a moderate extent.

The president of the Momentum did not promise Péter Polt much good either, because in his opinion the activity of the attorney general is unconstitutional, which is why a process will be initiated against him. He added that if “he could withstand the pressure of public opinion and the entire political machine, he would have nerves of steel”, in which case, in parallel, an anti-corruption prosecution would be installed.

According to András Fekete-Győr, a regime change is expected, but in such a case, most officials will not support the fallen side in the long term. However, he believes that Peter Polt certainly cannot stay, and

the president of the republic obviously also needs to be replaced.

Regarding cooperation with Ferenc Gyurcsány, the Momentum president said that he had already put aside his personal frustrations, but called Csaba Tóth of the MSZP a gangster, setting an example among politicians he did not want to see on a possible joint opposition list.

According to András Fekete-Győr, there should be a minimum common opposition program by 2022, which will provide the framework for governance. In this sense, he pointed out three cornerstones from which Momentum will not allow it: accession to the eurozone should not be delayed any longer, the voting rights of Hungarians on the other side of the border should not be touched, and an important one should be cut. digital educational reform.
