Index – National – László Palkovics: I’m used to having a bad week


Mandiner conducted an interview with László Palkovics, Head of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology. When the weekly asked him if he had received all the “problematic” cases (CEU, MTA, SZFE), László Palkovics replied that he was already used to “having a bad week” in the Orbán government. He admits that other ministers will emerge from serious conflicts, but for him

there are counterparts that can effectively resonate with the national and international public.

It’s okay for me to say that you no longer do it because you think it’s good for business. In the case of the CEU, the Court of Justice of the European Union has already determined that this is an infringement, so according to the Minister of Innovation, the Higher Education Law will be amended again and presumably adopting the Bavarian model. Palkovics revealed so much about his plans that

Universities accredited abroad can only operate and award degrees in Hungary if they establish cooperation with a Hungarian higher education institution.

László Palkovics believes that in the case of the University of Theater and Film Arts (SZFE), the government has done everything legally, has wisely decided on the excellent members of the board of trustees. This is where his role ends, and although he is responsible for higher education, he does not understand why students and teachers want to negotiate with him. Because he believes it

it is not about university autonomy. Educators use students as a tool in a kind of ideological warfare, which is not okay.

There will be no lunch together

The minister reveals that there will be no joint lunch with Tamás Freund, president of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA), who described as outrageous that they have approached the requests of the National Fund for Scientific Research (OTKA). According to him, here there was no interference with academic independence, based on the so-called scientific metric indicators, it was concluded that no substantive results are expected in the nine applications evaluated.

According to László Palkovics, it is necessary to change the evaluation system. In the interview, he recalls that even when the Eötvös Loránd Research Network (ELKH) was established, many predicted the end of scientific freedom, but by now it turned out that a lot of fuss was unnecessary.

The president of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences would recover the research networks

According to Tamás Freund, this may not be possible immediately, but step by step.

(Cover image: László Palkovics. Photo: István Huszti / Index)
