Index – Foreign – Another terrorist attack with decapitation in France


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Three people were killed in a delayed terrorist attack in Nice near the city’s Notre Dame cathedral or in the building itself. According to Reuters, one of the victims, a woman, was beheaded. Several were injured in the attack.

Mayor Christian Estrosi wrote on Twitter that he knows a terrorist attack may have occurred and that the perpetrator was arrested.

The mayor knows that two dead died in the cathedral. He also spoke with French President Emmnuel Macron, who expressed his condolences to the people of Nice and travels to the city even in the morning. In the Thursday morning session of the French Senate, tribute was paid to the memory of the victims in a short silent main tour.

Christian Estrosi later said that the suspect, who was taken to the hospital, was Allah Akbar! bent expression. According to police information, he had no companions.

French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin announced on Twitter that he had convened a crisis team to address the situation.

The French National Antiterrorist Prosecutor’s Office, PNAT, has launched an investigation into the case on suspicion of terrorism.

Write Le Monde.

Recently, a video of commandos invading the cathedral also appeared on Twitter.

In France, a 47-year-old history teacher was recently the victim of a similar terrorist attack. A man named Samuel Paty was guilty of showing two cartoons of Muhammad to his students during his free speech class after telling Muslim students to calmly leave the room if they felt uncomfortable. . An 18-year-old Chechen man, Abdullak Anzorov, cut his neck and finished.

(Cover image: Detectives in Nice at the scene of a knife attack. Photo: Valery Hache / AFP)

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