He will be the Hungarian managing director of the IMF.


For the first time, a Hungarian expert will join the highest decision-making body of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Dániel Palotai, current managing director and chief economist of Magyar Nemzeti Bank, will be the managing director of the board from 1 November.

Dániel Palotai, current managing director and chief economist of Magyar Nemzeti Bank, will be the first Hungarian to join the top decision-making body of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as of November 1. The 24-member board will include a representative from the group of Central and Eastern European countries (Turkey, Austria, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Belarus, Slovenia and Kosovo), which it hopes will lead to favorable results for the region, Index said.

The board decides not only on the internal affairs of the IMF, but also on matters that affect the 190 member countries, and the position of executive director can be considered not only an economic-financial task, but also a diplomatic one. But above all, I consider it my task to effectively represent internal interests and create a more realistic, deeper and more positive image of Hungary – said the expert to the portal, who said that the relationship between Hungary and the IMF was bad 10 years ago but now it has improved a lot and could be even better in the future.

Dániel Palotai graduated in economics from Budapest Corvinus University in 2004, then began his career at Magyar Nemzeti Bank, where he worked as an analyst from 2004-2007. He then continued his work at the European Central Bank, where he received a taste of how to deal with the financial crisis as an analyst for some non-euro area EU member states. Since November 2010, he has headed the macroeconomic department of the Ministry of National Economy and actively participated in the development of Hungary’s structural reform program, as well as assisting in the economic and financial stabilization of Hungary as a member of the Union’s Economic Policy Committee. European. Then, between 2013 and 2020, he was the managing director and chief economist of the MNB.
