Index – National – Most dramatic figures: 2,291 infected, 43 deaths


On Wednesday, the new coronavirus infection (Covid-19) was detected in 2,291 new Hungarian citizens, increasing the number of infected people in Hungary to 65,933. 43, mostly elderly, chronic patients died, bringing the number of deaths to 1,578 and 17,098 have already recovered. The number of active infections is 47,257. 27 percent of those actively infected, 35 percent of the dead and 28 percent of those recovered were from Budapest. The hospital cares for 3,166 coronavirus patients, 263 of whom are connected to ventilators.

Semmelweis University building to be transformed into an epidemic hospital

The reorganization of the Balassa street building will take place next week.

The second wave of the epidemic is occurring on an ever-increasing scale across Europe and in Hungary, and the number of infected people is growing dynamically; in addition to daily data, they are described at

The government’s goal remains to keep the country running while maintaining health protection and not allowing the virus to paralyze everyday life. However, this requires compliance with general precautions. According to a government decree published Thursday,

  • It is also mandatory to wear a mask at outdoor events and sporting events. Participants must wear a mask at the sporting event venue and at the outdoor gathering,
  • athletes, coaches, match director, referee and assistants do not have to wear a mask at sporting events,
  • you can speak without a mask in the meeting,
  • Anyone who does not wear a mask despite having been instructed by the organizer of the sporting event or meeting must be instructed by the organizer of the event to leave the venue.
  • The use of the mask is mandatory not only in shops and public transport, but also in cinemas, theaters, shopping centers, health and social care establishments and reception offices.
  • restaurants and entertainment venues must be closed after 23:00,
  • In order to slow the spread of the community, we will continue to avoid places where there are many people inside,
  • if possible, keep social distance,
  • wash your hands frequently and thoroughly,
  • who has been ordered to submit to an official national quarantine for a stay abroad or for any other reason,
  • Anyone with symptoms should not go into the community but stay home and notify their GP by phone.

The operational tribe currently ordered emergency breaks in 73 kindergartens and sanitizer cleaning during schools during the fall break.

The protection of elderly and chronic patients is of the utmost importance. The elderly are also asked to pay more attention to themselves and general precautions. Visiting hospitals and nursing homes is prohibited. And nursing home administrators must do everything possible to prevent infection. If a focal point takes place in a social institution or elsewhere in the community, the epidemiological deployment unit will take the necessary actions. The operative strain provides non-invasive nursing home ventilators for more than 200 people. In addition to maintaining health protection, the government is also working on additional economic and family protection measures, they write.

Illustration: Diagonal Crown Monitor

(Cover image: A healthcare worker with a patient treated with a coronavirus drug at the Gyula Kenézy University Hospital Infectious Diseases Institute of the University of Debrecen on October 15, 2020 Photo: Zsolt Czeglédi / MTI)

The majority consider that the border blockade is correct

Twenty-five percent of those surveyed believe that tourists from high-risk countries alone should not be admitted.

Book cover: Huszti István / Index
