Vidnyánszky: The SZFE demonstration was the campaign opener of the left-wing parties


The coronavirus and the fight against it. The situation at home and in the world.

The Commission on Education and Culture of the European Parliament looked after the University of Theater and Cinema for an hour. Due to a technical error, Attila Vidnyánszky, president of the board of trustees of the foundation that maintains the university, could only be included in the online meeting until late.

When he finally succeeded, he began by saying that the communication difficulty was also a metaphor for the situation at the university: it shows how much the dialogue is failing. According to him, “theatrical life is wonderfully rich”, this would be expected of the university, which has been too closed for decades and does not serve a significant part of the profession. “We are talking about people between 30 and 40 years old.”

“We want to open up, make the university more colorful and rich, so that what we have stays,” said Vidnyánszky, who cited the Imre Madách International Theater Encounter that he organized as an example of openness. According to him, most of the great protagonists of this European theatrical life have already taken a turn and “there is also a special focus on Arab theatrical life.”

Said of the October 23 demonstration

“15,000 were not in it, if there were so many, because they had shown solidarity with the students, but because the left-wing political parties were holding a political rally to open the campaign.”He reiterated that the students “had already received training in early August, known leftist movements were teaching them university reservations.” According to Vidnyánszky, “everything happens at the university under the leadership of left-wing parties.” (Previously, Amnesty International was accused of training students.)

Asked by the Slovenian deputy Irena Joveva, she said that it is a metaphor for the openness and inclusion of Christianity, in contrast to the current situation where “an essential part of the teaching staff leaves 2-3 theaters”.

In his second speech, Vidnyánszky said several times that they were open to trial, but that he would first require Chancellor Gábor Szarka to enter the building. “The news that comes out of there is worrying,” he said, then about plastic bottles and empty bottles,

“On the results of anarchy”showed images to the camera. According to him, this is also very dangerous from the “point of view of hygiene and fire safety”.

On behalf of the government, László György, Secretary of State for Economic Strategy and Regulation, championed the transformation. On the one hand, he argued that the most successful international universities of color operate in the same way under the foundation. On the other hand, the similarly reorganized Hungarian universities had no problem with this.

In line with the communication of the last weeks, he has sought to reduce the role of the government, wishing the two parties much success in reaching an agreement. “Empathy, patience is needed.”

He also defended the members of the board, saying that it was not uncommon for entrepreneurs who “demonstrated the good patrons of artistic life to be included in these bodies.” (Members: György Bacsa, strategic CEO of Mol, director of photography and producer Tamás Lajos, Zoltán Rátóti, actor-director and Oszkár Világi, president and CEO of the board of directors of Slovnaft, billionaire friend of billionaire Viktor Orbán).

György László

László Upor, the rector resigned due to the transformation, spoke that they had never protested for political reasons, “it has always been about autonomy.” According to him, the foundation created by the government received public money “without public scrutiny, without checks and balances” and the board “went too far”, undermining the rights of the Senate and depriving the university of its self-determination.

“It is the autonomy of the governing body, not of the university.”He said they did not listen to their requests during the “so-called negotiations”, the board of directors only communicates in announcements while the new rector turns off the internet and closes the classrooms.

They also invited Hannah Milovits, vice president of the University Student Self-Government, who described the transformation method as unworthy, which had not been agreed with either the previous leadership or the students, and her ideas could not have appeared in the expedited legislation.

“We cannot participate in the new leadership, we have no voice in the operation of the university, only the board of the foundation created by the government decides. That’s why we occupy the building. “The transformation, he said, is only an apparent deviation from the state – in fact, all eight universities have been subjected to further scrutiny. As they do not see the guaranteed autonomy, they continue to maintain the blockade and, although they want to negotiate with the ministry, only if they are treated as equals.

Of the speakers, only Milan Zver from Slovenia supported Vidánynszky. He said the media dramatized the demonstrations, which were politically motivated, and “DK even threatened members of the new junta.” (He probably pointed out that Ferenc Gyurcsány had previously said that if Viktor Orbán failed, Vidnyánszky would become a fugitive. The university distanced itself from this in August).

The full meeting can be viewed here, the SZFE agenda item begins at 10 am and 7 minutes.

