A human smuggler fleeing the police blew himself up with a grenade


In the early afternoon of Monday, police stopped a smuggler’s car in Sopon on main road 85, writes Magyar Nemzet. The driver regularly pulled over to the side, but instead of getting out to talk to the police, he jumped out of the car with his passengers and began to flee.

The police saw that he had a pistol, a pistol in his right hand and a hand grenade in his left, so they followed the fugitive from a safe and sufficient distance and tried to call him to stop. Warning shots were also fired, but the man did not respond.

It was then that police reinforcements arrived and stopped the human trafficker. The fugitive stopped, pointed his pistol at him, but it was not known if he had not fired at him either, because the grenade in his hand exploded.

In the explosion, the man’s body was completely destroyed, so they could not be identified, and his documents were also destroyed. According to criminal police scouts, it is possible that he was a Hungarian citizen because he was driving a private car with a Hungarian license plate, and foreign smugglers often use a rented or domesticated vehicle.

The circumstances of the case are being investigated on the spot by the Győr Regional Investigation Prosecutor’s Office of the Central Investigation Prosecutor’s Office. With the involvement of the Győr-Sopron County Police Headquarters, a double investigation is under way;

Five of the smuggler’s passengers were detained by the police near the scene.
