Who is Gábor Szarka and why was the SZFE case entrusted to him?


The chancellor, a former colonel, has held good positions in the public sector for the past eight years, but has just come into the spotlight.

He has already ordered several actions to recover the buildings of the University of Theater and Film Arts and share the protesting students, and even issued an ultimatum to the students, but Gábor Szarka his maneuvers so far have been unsuccessful: the new chancellor has not yet been able to enter the institution occupied by the students.

A month ago, in the last days of September, Urraca became the protagonist of the news in a blow of ignorance, when the Attila Vidnyánszky was replaced by a board of directors headed by Lajos Vondervist, the rector of the university, and that day he appointed Sarka in his place. The move also attracted the attention of the international press because, in the person of the new chancellor, Vidnyánszky deployed a former soldier against renowned art students. According to our information, the idea of ​​capturing Magpie from the army of a friend who was part of the SZFE board of directors appointed in the summer, Tamás Lajos comes from a producer cameraman. The Board of Trustees was looking for a “decisive” character who could draw the attention of the Vidnyánszky family in a situation created by the blockade. Tamás Lajos himself has spoken out on several occasions about SZFE’s affairs, and his influence is characterized by the fact that six productions produced by his companies are also supported by state subsidies assigned by the National Film Institute.

Szarka, often referred to in the press only as a mechanized firing colonel, resigned from the Hungarian Armed Forces in 2010 in hopes of a government career. After Fidesz’s victory in 2010, he was appointed Minister of Defense. To Csaba Hende because he needed a trustworthy man who knew the army from within. He became a confidant of Szarka Hende, for which he was assigned the post of Chief of Staff in the Ministry of Defense. The fact that Szarka’s father was also in the first guard of the government after the regime change may have contributed to the decision of the minister, who once politicized in the MDF. Istvan Szarka, he was head of the military industry office in the Ministry of Industry of the Antall government of MDF.

Direct cooperation was broken two years later when Hende replaced him at cabinet headquarters and appointed Sarka as ministerial commissioner. According to some sources, the break was due to the fact that Magpie soon became self-reliant and took action on certain issues without consulting, while others recall that her work style simply did not match. However, the break did not mean a major break in Sark’s career. As Ministerial Commissioner, he was licensed to oversee a number of important areas, including the modernization of the officer training system and the representation of the Minister of Defense on the University Board of the National Civil Service. (Until 2018, the Ministers of Administration, Justice, Defense and Law Enforcement jointly exercised the rights to alimony of the NKE). At the same time as the Commissioner was appointed, preparations began for the deployment of Szarka’s military attachés in Paris. The representation of the Ministry of Defense in the University of the Public Function was so successful that Tibor Navracsics, Balázs Fürjes Y András Levente Gál Furthermore, he was also awarded the title of Honorary Citizen of the University.

Upon returning from Paris, Szarka got a job in the management of a newly established state-owned company in 2016 and became one of the directors of the National Industrial Park Operator and Development Ltd. (NIPÜF). Magyar Nemzeti Vagyonkezelő Zrt established the company to channel budget money towards the establishment of new industrial parks across the country. According to Opten, Magpie was the director of four project companies at the same time. Veszprém Ltd. also managed to put together a large agreement with the Ministry of Defense. The Ministry agreed with NIPÜF to establish a 20,000 square meter military warehouse to store 18,000 tonnes of military equipment, to be built in the Veszprém Industrial Park, next to the Szentkirályszabadja airport.

However, when the deal was solemnly handled, Magpie was no longer there. In the summer of 2019, he was certified by the National University of Civil Service. NKE thanked Szarka for his previous role with a serious leadership position, and he became the general manager of the university campus. We contacted the NKE press office, where, after listing Szarka’s merits, it was announced that he had resigned from his post there on 30 September. According to the NKE website, the former secretary general, István Tomasitz former Secretary of State for Agriculture.

Szarka is not on his official resume, but as of 2017, the billionaire received a membership on the supervisory board. By Gábor Kovács acquired from the Sopronbánfalva monastery maintenance company. The name of the state-owned company was changed to NÖF Nemzeti Heritage Protection Development Nonprofit Kft., And its profile was also changed. NÖF Kft., Under the authority of the Prime Minister’s Office, has become the maintainer and operator of more than fifty state-owned castles, palaces and heritage sites, and this company also undertakes developments for tourism purposes. Szarka headed the supervisory board of the renowned company for nearly a year, then after the change of management at the helm of the company, he saddled up the Eszterháza Cultural, Research and Festival Center Public Benefit Ltd., which János Lázár He also came to the state from Gábor Kovács from KOGART.

However, the company that maintains Castle Esterházy in Fertőd is not the only organization in which the Chancellor of the SZFE still has a mandate.

As a member of the Board of Trustees since 2018, he has been able to manage the operation of the Lajos Batthyány Foundation, which now manages almost 4,000 million HUF. The organization created in MDF times was in an undead state for a long time, but after the Rogan Antal In a few years, its annual basic subsidy increased to 3.5 billion, to which were added a few hundred million forint from other sources. He also sits with the magpie at board meetings. Miklós Kobza, Viktor Orbán was a former photographer, former MTVA press officer, and Illés Géza Márton, the founding background of Mathias Corvinus Collegium, To András Tombor also your lawyer.

Featured image: Márton Mohos / 24.hu
