Farm VIP Riders –


A Star in the star the soon-to-be-launched show was shown on Sunday night VIP farm members of two star teams on Monday. They are the ones who, in TV2’s adventure reality, are moving into large rural properties on the Csapdi border to thrive for a month without electricity, tap water, bulk purchases and technical equipment.

VIP farm

Source: TV2

Members of the Red Team:

  • Ambrus Attila
  • Eva Bay
  • Miklós Máté Kerényi
  • Novák Zalán
  • Ági Szögeczki
  • Vasivári Vivien
  • Marci career

Members of the yellow team:

  • Eva Horváth
  • Máté Jóni
  • Gábor Kucsera
  • Vili wounds
  • Sydney van den bosch
  • Terecskei Rita
  • André Vásáry

Program participants must take care of their basic daily tasks: caring for the backyard animals, tending the farm, keeping their residence in order, and searching and preparing their daily deposit. In the first half of the show, the Star Army splits into two teams and lives its daily life at two distant points on the estate. One of them is trying to thrive in a somewhat more comfortable country house, while the other is trying to thrive in a barn with no amenities.

The two teams have to deal not only with the circumstances, but also with each other. In addition to their daily tasks, they regularly receive production tasks from the farmer. These jobs related to the daily life of the people are the competition between the two companies. The team that performs the worst at a given task must hold a Farm Assembly, during which players must send one of their teammates home.

In addition to production tasks, excitement and tension are provided by the show’s games, during which stars can compare their strength, knowledge and skills with each other, either as a team or individually. At a certain point in the show, the members who are still competing are moving in and living together from now on, but are already fighting individually for the grand prize.

A VIP farm your host will be Zsuzsa Demcsák, and Zsolti Gáspár will be the celebrity boss as host.

The first episode of Adventure Reality begins on November 15.


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