Coronavirus: Kiskunhalas epidemic hospital is slowly filling up


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If the number of patients increases to such an extent, the 150-person epidemiological hospital serving the three counties could fill up in no time, the CEO told the newspaper.

The 40-bed intensive care unit of the mobile epidemic hospital currently cares for 16 patients. – If necessary, we can expand our intensive capacity with 32 additional monitored beds, but this will also require an increase in the number of qualified personnel.

In addition to the Halas hospital staff, doctors and nurses from Baja, Kecskemét, Kalocsa, Kiskunfélegyháza, Szeged, Orosháza and Békéscsaba also work at the epidemic hospital.

Szabolcs Szepesvári pointed out that in the Southern Great Plain region that belongs to his supply area, large cities such as Szeged and Kecskemét have become focal points. According to him, in big cities people should wear a mask even when going out on the street. And in markets, even in the smallest settlements, everyone should wear a mask, he said.

Cover image source: Getty Images.
