Index – Domestic – According to the director of the hospital in Kiskunhalas, the mask should be worn continuously on the streets of big cities


If the number of patients increases to such an extent, the mobile epidemic hospital in Kiskunhalas, which serves three counties and has a capacity of 150 people, could fill up in no time, Szabolcs Szepesvári, general director of Semmelweis Hospital in Kiskunhalas, told .

More than one hundred and ten moderate or severe coronavirus infections are currently being treated at Kiskunhalas Mobile Epidemic Hospital.

– Szabolcs Szepesvári said about the Bács-Kiskun county portal.

The director general also said that currently 16 patients are being treated in the 40-bed intensive care unit of the mobile epidemic hospital and, if necessary, can expand their intensive care capacity with 32 additional monitored beds. However, this also requires an increase in the number of qualified personnel, he added.

In addition to the Kiskunhalas hospital staff, doctors and nurses from Baja, Kecskemét, Kalocsa, Kiskunfélegyháza, Szeged, Orosháza and Békéscsaba also work at the epidemic hospital.

Szabolcs Szepesvári drew attention to the fact that large cities such as Szeged and Kecskemét have also become focal points in the Southern Great Plain region belonging to their supply area.

The main reason for this is the high population density. Szabolcs Szepesvári pointed out that individual responsibility is increasingly important in these settlements, the people who live there must behave with much more care and discipline, like the inhabitants of a settlement structured by farms. This would reduce the number of diseases in big cities, he added.

According to the general director, the epidemiological situation could improve enormously in just one week if, for example, the inhabitants of the city do not take advantage of the autumn holidays to hold family events or travel to a wellness hotel.

Szabolcs Szepesvár believes that

in big cities, people would have to wear a mask even when going outside.

And in markets, even in the smallest settlements, everyone should wear a mask, because although they are outdoors, the experience is that people do not keep at least one and a half meters apart.

He said.

The Kiskunhalas Mobile Epidemiological Hospital, with capacity for 150 patients, opened on October 1. Szabolcs Szepesvári said then

the number of patients needing hospital treatment increased with such dynamics that we were no longer able to provide adequate care under the current circumstances.

Tímea Szabó, co-chair of the Dialogue, had previously reported on her Facebook page that the opening of the hospital, which had been built by many billions, had been delayed because there were not enough doctors and nurses to lead.

In response, the Ministry of Human Resources wrote in its statement that Tímea Szabó had mocked and “brutally deceived” people. The ministry also said it had the necessary staff to care for patients infected with the coronavirus.
