Miklós Kásler gave instructions, the release of new hospital beds for coronavirus begins


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Miklós Kásler, Minister of Human Resources, expanded the range of institutions involved in caring for Covid. Six more rural hospitals will receive Covid patients in the future: Ödön Jávorszky Hospital in Vác, Ferenc Toldy Hospital in Cegléd, Vaszary Kolos Hospital in Esztergom, Albert Schweitzer Hospital in Hatvan, St. Rókus Hospital in Baja and Hospital Orosháza. These institutions must be prepared to serve COVID patients with 20% of their total number of beds funded.

The Minister of Human Resources also instructed the head of OMSZ that if the capacity of the primary health care provider designated as primary is saturated, the designated secondary and tertiary health care institutions should receive severe and moderate COVID infected patients and suspect patients. requiring hospital care.

In Budapest and Pest County, there are 3 + 1 hospitals among the primary institutions and 11 among the designated secondary institutions.

Outside the territory of Budapest and Pest counties, patients with proven severe and moderate COVID infection and suspected COVID patients requiring hospital care should be transported mainly to a total of 12 hospitals, secondly to 6 institutions and 9 institutions as external administrators.

Cover image source: Getty Images.
