Index – National – A negative test can give a false sense of security – writes the infected deputy mayor of Csepel


I got my positive test result on Saturday night. I have had symptoms for a week. However, the coronavirus did not come with typical symptoms.

– the post that recently appeared on the Facebook page of the Deputy Mayor Attila Ábel de Csepel sounds.

On Tuesday, the mayor of Csepel, Lénárd Borbély, announced that he too had been hit by the coronavirus, had a positive test and had symptoms. His colleague now reported that on the first day he only had a mild chilly sensation with back pain and pea-laden eyes, which happens to him a couple of times a year, especially in fall-spring anyway. He had no high fever or loss of smell or taste. However, she said she had a high chance of spreading the disease within her family even when her test was still negative.

So the first experience is that you have to forget the mantra to test, test, test. The tests make the most sense when they confirm an established disease. I also tested positive when I had symptoms for days. I had a negative test before and was infected that way. In other words, the test is less suitable for detecting the infected because it contains too many errors and can give a false sense of security. Especially the quick test we suck with

– Attila Ábel reported on the community page.

According to Csepel’s deputy mayor, it’s better to protect yourself if everyone stays home rather than get tested if you have any symptoms.

If people did just that, the epidemic would slow down. I did the same when the situation got suspicious


He also wrote that it is perhaps due to vitamin intake that he and his wife have so far escaped the disease without serious symptoms.

Cough, I haven’t had more severe symptoms in days, my head is roaring, stuck. I tell everyone to take recipes and vitamins seriously, because anyone can do that. Help to. Like the mask: If it only helps that you don’t get a high dose of the infection when you do get it, it’s already half a success. The body has more time to defend itself. It doesn’t matter how we get through it. For me, as is my blood type, which means that I am more at risk than average. But you shouldn’t even get crowded, just do what you have to do. So go ahead

– Attila Ábel said at his entrance.
